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Modernism/Postmodernism Timeline Project

  • Recording of a Modernist (Song)

    Recording of a Modernist (Song)
    The Historical Collections 1899–1950 were included in the register of UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme as Documents of Universal Significance. FRANTIŠEK POSPÍŠIL’S RECORDINGS FROM THE SLOVÁCKO AND HANÁ REGIONS (1910) Editors: Gerda Lechleitner and Christian Liebl
    Comments: Hana Dvořáková, Franz Lechleitner, Gerda Lechleitner, Lucie Uhlíková Transcriptions: Lucie Uhlíková
  • Publication of a Modernist (Novel)

    Publication of a Modernist (Novel)
    "No Man's Land"The horrors of the First World War saw the prevailing assumptions about society reassessed, and much modernist writing engages with the technological advances and societal changes of modernity moving into the 20th century.
  • Creation of a Modernist (Work of Art)

    Creation of a Modernist (Work of Art)
    The birth of modernism and modern art can be traced to the Industrial Revolution. During the 19th century, many artists started to make art based in their own, personal experiences and about topics that they chose.
  • Recording of a Postmodernist (Song)

    Recording of a Postmodernist (Song)
    One author suggested that the emergence of postmodern music in popular music occurred in the late 1960s, influenced in part by psychedelic rock and one or more of the later Beatles albums. Beard and Gloag support this position, citing Jameson's theory that "the radical changes of musical styles and languages throughout the 1960s are now seen as a reflection of postmodernism". Others have placed the beginnings of postmodernism in the arts, with particular reference to music, at around 1930.
  • Publication of a Postmodernist (Novel)

    Publication of a Postmodernist (Novel)
    "First Novel" Burroughs published "Naked Lunch in Paris" in 1959 and in America in 1961; this is considered by some the first truly postmodern novel because it is fragmentary, with no central narrative arc; it employs pastiche to fold in elements from popular genres such as detective fiction and science fiction.
  • Creation of a Postmodernist (Work of Art)

    Creation of a Postmodernist (Work of Art)
    The first signs of postmodernism were evident in the early-20th century with Dada artists who ridiculed the art establishment with their anarchic actions and irreverent performances. The term, however, was not used in the contemporary sense until 1979 in the philosopher J.F. Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition.