Italian Wars
King Charles VII of France invaded Italy and resulted in a series of wars where France and Spain were fighting for control of the Italian Peninsula. England got involed, so did some popes. Wars ended in 1559 -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther Writes 95 Theses
Martin Luther wrote a document called the 95 Theses stating formal statements about Tezel attacking him for selling indulgences, he posted this on a church door. -
Edict of Worms
The Edict of Worms claimed Luther was an outlaw because of his beliefs that went against the church and this made Luther not allowed to have shelter or food and all his books were burned. -
Peasant's Wars
Peasants were angry with the high taxes and their lack of power while reform preachers preached freedom. With this mix, tens of thousands of German Peasants stormed castles and monasteries. -
Swiss Civil War
A fight between Swiss Protestants and Catholics broke out -
Anababtists settle in Münster
People saw Anabaptists as radicals who threatened the society, the Protestants and Catholics persecuted them but some fled to Münster -
Act of Supremacy in England
The Act of Supremacy in England was when Henry and his successors were named the supreme head of the English Church. -
Thomas More executed
Thomas More was executed because he was found guilty of treason and before that, he did not accept and take oath to the Act of Supremacy because of his faith. -
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin published a book called, "Institutes of the Christian Religion" and it was about ideas around god, salvation, and human nature. -
Jesuit Order Founded
The pope founded a religious order for his followers called the Society of Jesus. The members were called Jesuits. -
Start of Roman Inquisition
The Catholic Church established a Church court to fight the spread of protestantism and they wanted to impose religious uniformity on Muslim and Jewish converts and later on Protestants. They tortured people who were accused of witchcraft, beliefs in protestantism, and people who broke the law -
Council of Trent
At the Council of Trent in Italy, many Catholic bishops and cardinals gathered, following the pope's order, and agreed on a set of beliefs. -
Peace of Augsburg
16th cen- The Peace of Augsburg was a settlement when Charles was tired of fighting about the state religion, so he told all Protestant and Catholic German princes to come together. When they did, they agreed that the ruler would assign the state religion. -
Reign of Elizibeth I
Elizabeth I started her rule and she was determined to restore the Protestant chruch. Later on she created a state church that moderate Protestants and Catholics were accepted in. The church delivered sermons in English not Latin. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
Protestant nobles led by John Knox made Scotland's official religion Calvinism. -
Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Calvins followers, Huguenots and Catholics hated eachother and it led to the most violent clash in Paris. -
Edict of Nantes
Henry of Navarre was a leader who converted to Catholicism and this ended the fighting because his followers had to accept him for his beliefs as the king. Henry granted religious freedom to Protestants. This was the Edict of Nantes