Modern World History 5.2 The reign of Louis XIV

  • Nov 9, 1572

    St. Bartholomew Day Massacre In Paris

  • Henry 4th Inherits throne

    Henry INherits the throne after Catherine and her last son dies
  • Henery declared that the Huguenots could live in peace

    They lived in peace with France and that they could set there own houses of worship in some cities. The declaration of religous toleration was called the Edict of Nantes.
  • Henery IV died

    He was stabed to death
  • Louis XIII came to power

    He was a weak king
  • Louis XIII appointed a strong minister (Cardinal Richelieu)

    He made up for Louis's weak rule
  • Louis came to power

    When Louis became king in 1943 after the death of his father, Louis XIII, the true ruler of France was Richelieu's sucessor, Cardinal Mazarin.
  • Mazarin ending of The 30 Year War

  • Period: to

    Violant Anti-Mazarin riots tore France apart

    At times, the nobles who led the riots threatened the young king's life.
  • France had about 20 million people

    4 times as many as England and ten times as many as the Dutch republic
  • Marazin died

    The 22 year old Louis took control of the government
  • Louis invaded the Spanish Netherlands

  • Invaed Dutch Netherlands which caused a war

    THey saved their country by opening dikes and flooding the country side
  • The war ended with the treaty of Nijmegen

    Frnace gained several lands
  • A Europeanwide alliance had formed to stop France

  • Louis cancleled the Edict of Nantes

    In responce, thousands of Huguenot artisans and business people fled the country
  • Dutch Prince Eilliam of Orange became the king of England

  • The childless king of Spain, Charles II, died after promising his throne to Louis XIV's 16 year old grandson

  • England, Austria, the Dutch Rebulic, Portugal, and several German and Italian states joind together to went the union of the French and Spanish throne

  • Period: to

    The war of the Spoanish Sucession

  • Louis died