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Modern world 1750-1918

  • Seed drill invented

    Seed drill invented
    Jethro Seed drill invented
  • Locomotives

    Invented by Lambe
  • Rotherham plough

    Rotherham plough
  • The Flying shuttle

    The Flying shuttle
    Invented by John Kay
  • Period: to

    Modern world

  • The invitation of the steam engine

    The invitation of the steam engine
    Created by Thomas Savery
  • The first factory

    The first factory
    Created by Richard Arkwright
  • The watt steam engine

    The watt steam engine
    Invented by James watt
  • The spinning Jenny

    The spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves
  • The spinning mule

    The spinning mule
    The spinning mule was invented by Samuel Crompton in 1779
  • Rule of imperialism in the 18th century

    Rule of imperialism in the 18th century
    England, France, Spain, Germany
  • William Cobbett

    Questioned and fought for better conditions whilst working in factories
  • William Lovett

    Provided housing for those how work in factories and questions conditions
  • Electrical telegraph

    Electrical telegraph
    Invented by Samuel Morse