Feminist movement venus symbol

Modern Women Rise

By Altrue
  • Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor

    Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor
    The Women's Bureau was established by Congress in 1920 to represent the employment needs of America's working women. The Bureau carries out its mission through demonstration projects and partnerships with firms, universities, and other organizations in order to improve working conditions for women.
  • 19th Amendment

    Since 1878 the Women Sufferege led by Susan B. Anthony, have been fighting for the woman right to vote, Finallly on August 26, 1920 The 19th Amendment of the congress, granting women right to vote, is signed into law by Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby.
  • American Birth Control League(ABCL)

    American Birth Control League(ABCL)
    The American Birth Control League was established by Margaret Sanger in 1921. The main strategy of the organization was to open birth control clinics and provide, under medical guidance, contraceptive materials to all women who sought them. Today its Known as the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The slogan “every child a wanted child” has not changed much in nearly a century.
  • National Women's Party(NWP)

    National Women's Party(NWP)
    Alice Paul believed that the vote was just the first step in women’s quest for full equality. In 1922, she reorganized the NWP with the goal of eliminating all discrimination against women. Pushed for an Equal Rights Amendment to be added to the constitution.
  • Clinical Research Bureau

     Clinical Research Bureau
    "in this event i did not know the actual date so I made a Logical guess"
    In 1923, Margaret Sanger established the Clinical Research Bureau. The first legal birth 
control clinic in the U.S.Women were then able to control their own bodies.This movement educated women about existing 
birth control methods.
  • Adkins v. Children’s Hospital

    Adkins v. Children’s Hospital
    The Supreme Court decided that a minimum wage for women violated the right to freedom of contract.
  • The Equal Rights Amendment(ERA)

    The Equal Rights Amendment(ERA)
    Written by Alice Paul, never passed in congres.
    “Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction.”
    Section 1. Equality of Rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.
    Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
    Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.
  • Sarah Lawrence College

    Sarah Lawrence College
    Motto: Wisdom with understanding
    In 1926, Sarah Lawrence College was founded as an all girls school.
    Located in Bronxville NY
  • 1928 Olympics

    1928 Olympics
    1928 Olympics that women were allowed to complete in.
    There were many arguments about these actions.Some argued that it was historically inappropriate since women did not compete in ancient Greek Olympics.Others said that physical competition was “injurious” to women.
  • National Council of Negro Women(NCNW)

    National Council of Negro Women(NCNW)
    Mary McLeod Bethune organizes the National Council of Negro Women, a coalition of black women's groups that lobbies against job discrimination, racism, and sexism.
  • Women's right

    A 1936, a Supreme Court decision declassified 
birth control information as obscene.