
Modern USA History

By knb13
  • George H.W. Bush Elected

    George H.W. Bush Elected
    Republican, former military man George H.W. Bush beat the eccentric Democratic candidate Micheal Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election.
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    Early 90's Recession

    A sharply rising oil price sent the U.S. into a small recession. A major consequence of the declining economy was the Democrats gaining political control in 1992.
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    Gulf War

    A US-led attack of Iraq after it invaded and annexed Kuwait, also called Operation Desert Storm. This extremely successful campaign helped to restore American faith in the military.
  • START Treaty Signed

    START Treaty Signed
    A bilateral treaty between the U.S. and Soviet Union, reducing the amount of nuclear warheads in existence by about 80%, helping to end the Cold War.
  • Rodney King Riots

    Rodney King Riots
    A series of race riots in LA spurred by the police-brutality-related death of Rodney King. This revealed remaining post-civil-rights-movement racial tensions and issues in American society.
  • Clinton Elected

    Clinton Elected
    Democrat Bill Clinton beat out incumbent Republican candidate George H.W. Bush in the 1992 presidential election.
  • Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act Signed

    Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act Signed
    This act reformed the American welfare system, creating a more work-oriented program. This bill was very controversial, though unemployment was decreased and single-parent households decreased during the rest of Clinton's term.
  • Monica Lewinsky Scandal

    Monica Lewinsky Scandal
    President Clinton was accused of having adulterous relations with a young White House worker. He was impeached for lying under oath, and almost removed from office.
  • George W. Bush Elected

    George W. Bush Elected
    Republican son of former president George H.W. Bush beat Democratid candidate Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election.
  • 9/11

    Four civilian aircraft were hijacked and flown into American buildings, including the WTC and the Pentagon, in a famous act of terrorism. This demonstrated the least that America was not invincible.
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    Iraq War

    A pseudo-successful invasion of Iraq to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein. Sentiments of lack of transparency and pointlessness decreased American trust in the military, White House, and DOD.
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    Housing Bubble Recession

    The biggest recession in American History since the Great Depression, primarily caused by banks lending out excessive subprime morgages, which a large amount of people began to foreclose on, scaring the market.
  • Obama Elected

    Obama Elected
    Democratic candidate Barack Obama beat Republican candidate John McCain in the 2008 presidential election, becoming America's first African-American president.
  • American Recovery Act Passed

    American Recovery Act Passed
    An economic stimulus package that functioned based on Keynesian economic theory, creating jobs and spending on infrastructure, health, welfare, etc. This helped to reduce unemployment and reduce the effects of the Great Recession.
  • Obamacare Signed

    Obamacare Signed
    President Obama put the highly controversial Affordable Car Act into law, providing medical insurance to Americans and enraging the Republican Party.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    Osama Bin Laden Killed
    A stealth raid achieved its aim of killing the leader of the group who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda, providing symbolic relief to many Americans.