Modern US History

  • Car

    The automobile is very signifigant because it has been progressing over the years and today it's used every single day. It's also a way to travel without walking.
  • Black Thursday

    This is signifigant because it was during the Panic of 1873, after one bank declared bankruptcy triggering a series of bank failures.
  • Telephone

    This event is signifigant because it was the first telephone invented and these day phones are a big deal. It was also the first way to communicate with having to travel.
  • Radio

    The radio is signifigant because it was one of the first ways of entertainment and transmitting sound.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration is signifigant because it was a time period where African Americans migrated to the Northern states from the Southern states to escape racism and to get jobs.
  • 18th Amendment

    The 18th amendment is signifigant because it was the ban of alcohol sales and when the economy started to get worse they had to allow the sale of alcohol.
  • 21st Amendment

    This amendment is signifigant because it repealed the 18th Amendment. Which allowed the sales of alcohol again.
  • 19th amendment

    The 19th amendment is signifigant because it allowed women to vote and stated everybody should be a ble to vote and shouldn't be stopped because of their sex.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    The Emergency Quota Act is signifigant because it was the act that said immigration into the US was not allowed.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    The Immigration Act of 1924 is signifigant because it was the act that only allowed a certain amount (3%) of every other culture into the U.S because the amount of people from other countires entering the US was a crazy amount.
  • Television

    Television is sigifigant because it was a very big impact on the technology world. There wasn't very much technology back then so when the televion was invented it was one of the only forms of entertainment besides radio.
  • Black Tuesday

    This is signifigant because it was when Wall Street crashed in 1929. It was also what started the Great Depression.
  • Hoover Dam Constructed

    The Hoover Dam is important because it regulted floods and it produced hydro- electric power. It was also named after president Herbert Hoover.
  • FDR becomes president

    This is signifigant because he was a good president:)
  • 1933

    The economy in 1933 was very good, unemployment was at its lowest and many jobs were created.
  • Frisbee Invented

    The frisbee is signifigant because it was thought of while a soldier was being held hostage during war. After he had been freed the man decided to sell it.
  • GI Bill of Rights.

    The GI Bill of Rights is important because it gave war veterans the ability to come home after war and make a living, have jobs, and return to school.
  • Computer

    The computer is signifigant because it's a major part in everyday technology.
  • Internet

    The internet is signifigant because it was shown in the military while the USSR was creating Sputnik.