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Modern Terror Timeline

  • The Munich olympics

    The Munich olympics
    A group of Palestinian terrorist storms the Olympic village apartment of the Israeli athletes, killing two and taking nine others hostage, the terrorist were called as black september.
  • New York City

    A bomb set off in historic Fraunces Tavern killed 4 and injured more than 50 people. Puerto Rican nationalist group (FALN) claimed responsibility, and police tied 13 other bombings to the group.
  • Bombing International Of U.S. In Beirut

    63 people, including the Middle East director, Robert C.Ames, were killed and 120 were injured in a 400 pound suicide truck-bomb attack on the U.S Embassy in Beirut, Lebano.
  • World Trade Center In New York City

    It was demaged when Islamic terrorist planted a car with bombs and exploded in an underground garage. The bomb killed more than 6 people , and 1000 injured.
  • Attempted Assassination Of President Bush

    Attempted Assassination Of President Bush
    President Bush was visiting Kuwait, when the Iraq service attempted to assassinate him. The U.S launched acruise missile attack 2 months later on Baghdad, Iraq. But kuwait arrested 17 people that were involved with the planning by using a car bomb.
  • Aum shinrikyo Tokyo, Japa.

    Five members of Aum Shinrikyo got into trains spread bags containing Sarin nerve gas. They weren't afraid of destroying people. 12 people died and many with permanent injuries.
  • Murder of U.S

    Two unidentified shot four U.S auditors from Union Texas Petroleum corporation and their pakistani driver death. The Islamic Revolutionary Council, took full responsibility in a call to the U.S consulate in Karachi.
  • Aden, Yemen

    U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole heavily damaged when a small boat loaded with explosives blew up alongside it. 17 sailors killed. Linked to Osama bin Laden, or members of Al-Qeada terrorist network.
  • Twin Towers Attack

    Twin Towers Attack
    Two airplanes got hijacked and crashed into the towers in New York city.The attack killed thousands of people U.S Citezens, and other nationals . President Bush named Osama Bin Laden as the first suspect.
  • Grenade Attack on a churcn in Pakistan

    Grenades were thrown into the protestan international church in Islamabad , Pakistan by militans. Five people were killed, and two of them U.S Citezens, were killed and 46 were wounded including 13 U.S Citizens.
  • Glasgow International Airport Attack

    Two Asian looking men crashed into the entrance of the main terminal building at Glasgow. Officers linked the Glasgow Airport attack to the London, which was also attempted and failed, the tow men were arrested, no killings.
  • Norway Attack

    Around 92 people were found dead after the bombing and shooting in Utoya and Osloa islands, the police believe that members of the Alqaeda group were responsible for the attack.
  • Boston Marathon bombings.

    Boston Marathon bombings.
    A terrorist attack that took place a short distance from the finish line of the Boston Marathon. A pair of homemade bombsA pair of homemade bombs detonated in the crowd watching the race, killing 3 people and injuring more than 260.