Modern Structural/System Theory

  • The Functions of the Executive

    The Functions of the Executive
    Chester Barnard
    1. Organizations depend on the willingness of participants
    2. Participants must contribute toward a common rational purpose
  • Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy

    Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy
    Alvin Gouldner 3 possible responses to a formal bureaucratic structure.
    -Mock: formal rules are ignored by management and labor
    -Punishment-Centered: management attemts to enforce rules that workers resist
    -Representative: rules are enforced and obeyed
  • Leadership in Administration

    Leadership in Administration
    Philip Selznick 4 styles of leadership
    -Benevolent authorities
  • Social Behavior and the Administrative process

    Social Behavior and the Administrative process
    Gretzels & Guba 2 dimensions shape organizations
  • The Human Organization

    The Human Organization
    Rensis Likert Identified four styles of leadership; job-centered, benevolent authorities, consultative, and participative.