Jan 1, 1400
The Exploration
In fourteen hundred, the people of Western Europe knew about only a small part of the world. A new age of exploration was beginning; it was lead by sailors in Portugal. Portuguese voyages were planned and supervised by Prince Henry the navigator He hoped to find new trade routes to compete with the Italian merchants. Henry hired many scholars and experts including Arabs and Jews. He improved Ship design, drew accurate maps and made better navigational instruments. -
Jan 1, 1450
The invention of guttenbergs printing press
The invention of Johan Guttenberg’s printing press in 1450 changed society. At first, books were only available to some monks and priests In 1450 in the German city of Mainz Johan Guttenberg invented the technique of printing with movable type. Books were being duplicated at a large number and at a low price. Twenty years later the new technology was firmly invented. Books became affordable for ordinary people and readers increased. This invention also spread the idea of fliers as new reminders. -
Jan 1, 1492
The expolsion of the jews
For a long time, Jews lived in spain and achieved great success, they called their success the "Golden age of Spain". When Fernando and Isabella came they launched an inquisition, which lead to the Jews getting kicked out of spain. In Exile the Jews realized that they had to be essential to their host government. They had to do things that the people couldn’t live without. The jews were very strong in fields such as map making and banking . The jews dwelled in Amsterdam and Venice. -
Jan 1, 1516
Jews live in ghettos
By the sixteenth century, hundreds of jews were now living in venice and the venetians realized that we were becomming a hassel. Our relaitionship with them was a love hate relationship. On one hand they wanted us to give them money but they didnt want us to marry thier children. By 1516 they forced the Jews to live in ghettos. They lived in the worst possible place where is was disgusting. (foundry place)
First ghetto- Jewish ghetto in venice -
Jan 1, 1523
Overcrowding in ghetto
Arounf the year 1523 there was a tremendous overcrowding in the ghettos.
What hapened to the Jewish people as a resul to that were both negative and positive.
Negative: When there is overcrowding; privacy is a casualty everyone is in everyones buisness
Positive: Jews developed a tight social network where having to support the community becomes great A) Firefighting B) Chesed oppurtunities and people were now all helping eachother out and helping the mothers raise thier children ect. -
Jan 1, 1550
Lurianic Kaballah - Zfat
tzfat . it was the capital of Jewish mystecism which is something the Jewish people have always had. Before the 1550, very few people were allowed to learn the kaballah so it was irrelevnant to most Jews. the purpose of the traditional kaballah is to know the nature of creation. a major group that tought kaballah were those under was Rav Issac Lurias (lurianic Kabbalah). Lurianic Kabbalah adresses 4 main questions 1) Faith in tragedy 2) Faith in humanity 3) Existence of evil 4)purporpose of life -
Jan 1, 1573
Luria dies and student Chayim vital digs up manuscript
In 1573 a merchant goes on a buisness trip in syria and descided to stop in tzfat. He hears about the mystecism and wants to read what rav issac luria wrote. He goes to one of his relatives to ask where the manuscrip is and the relative gets bribed lots of money to dig up Lurias cave and fine the Manuscript the relative is named Chayim Vital -
Jan 1, 1581
Every household has a copy of Eitz chayim by Vital
Baruch Spinoza
from Amsterdam, from seohardic decends. He question pervailing wisdom and then was put in cherem. He becomes the first secular non practicing jew.
A) spinoza succesfully challenged the nation of identity
B) Spinoza helps usher in the European enlightment
C) Spinozas idea have infulenced western nation of truth, god, religious institution, indivu=idual liberty, government and emotion -
Period: to
The Enlightment age
the enlightment sees tommorow as a better day, thinking that we gain knowledge each day.
The enlightment encompasses the world of science and politics it believes that the individual has the ability to rationally figure out what is best and society needs to regulate itself to the best that it can to allow individuals to pursuit there trust -
Juedusche Freishule
A group in berlin decided to establish the Jueusche Freishule, it was a Jewish educational instutuion where they allowed a dual curriculum and learn Judaic and General studies. All instructions Judaic and General were given in german which was the language they spoke at the time -
Edict Of Toleration
Joseph the second passed this law all jews are allowed to live outside of the jewsh quorter, they are also allowed to take surnames.The jews dont need to pay poll taxes, and own factories. Joseph also had a school system funded by the emporer. Traditionally the jews had to hire tuttors because they werent alowed to go to school but now they are allowed to. -
Ber Issac bear
Ber Isaac Ber writes a letter on the eve of the emancipation saying that Jews need to change their attitude. Now we're accepted as equals, we have to become more accepting of the rights and responsibilites as citizens. Re-examination of our identity- people have to see their surroundings and compare it to themselves. They realized that they were living in a bubble before. They had to modernize -
Period: to
Jewish emanpation in Europe
As a result of the Enlightment, many countries and nations began to recognize the rights of the Jewish people by granting them citizenship. It was a long process but by 1781 almost everyone in Western Europe had granted the Jews rights. -
Period: to
The French Revolution
The French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1799. The lower class rebelled after being treated poorly. The commoners desired the fundamental principles of liberty, equality, and individual rights. After the Revolution, France was in turmoil, and Napoleon took over in 1804. He wanted to unify the French Empire under one system of law, language, culture, and education. -
emancipation of the Jews of France
The Jewish emancipation allowed Jewish people during the englishtment to have Citizenship. As an individual Jews can practice thier religion but under the enlightment as a nation the Jewish people had to follow all the laws under the constitution. The rules were:
1) Fraturnity
2) Liberty (values of enlightment)
3) Equality (not judging people by different standards) -
Reform Judasim
When Jews were granted political emancipation, they began to assimilate into secular culture, causing them to lose part of their Jewish identity. Jews in Germany begin to challenge princibles of Judaism and rabbinic authority. Starts in Hamburgh Germany where a group of jews want to build a Hamburgh temple based off of the reform movement. This was called denominational judaism. Jews are now defined by what movement they belong to the reform movement was a conservative reaction of apostasy.