

  • Period: 8000 BCE to 2000 BCE


    In the late fourth millennium BC, Mesopotamia built the first cities. Mesopotamia was ruled by the Sumerians from 4100-1750 BC. Mesopotamia was ruled by the akkadians from 2350-2150 BC Mesopotamia developed from the achievements of the Uruk period from 4100-2900 BC
  • Period: 7000 BCE to 1800 BCE

    Indus valley civilization

    The Indus Valley civilization of ancient India was one of the earliest civilizations in world history.
  • Period: 2070 BCE to

    China dynasty

    The first dynasty in China started in 2070 BC
    China's first emperor launched an obsessive search for the elixir of life before dying aged 49 in 210 BC
  • 2000 BCE


  • 753 BCE


  • Period: to

    giant tortoise named Jonathan

    turned 191 years old on December 4, 2023! the reptile was born before the invention of the telephone, postage stamps and photographs. Not surprisingly, Jonathan is a local celebrity Jonathan has far surpassed his species' average life expectancy of 150 years. However, the gentle giant is showing no signs of slowing down.
  • Communism

    In 1917, the October Revolution in Russia set the conditions for the rise to state power of Vladimir Lenin's Bolsheviks, which was the first time any avowedly communist party reached that position.
  • WW1 German defeat

  • League of Nations founded

  • The Treaty of Versailles

  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist

  • Period: to

    Hitlers Beer hall Putsch

  • Hitlers book Published

  • Germany Admitted

  • Stock Market Crashes

  • Germans elect Nazis

  • Franklin Roosevelt elected

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.

  • The German Reichstag burns

  • First concentration camp opened

  • Enabling Act gives Hitler dictatorial power.

  • Enabling Act gives Hitler dictatorial power.

  • Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops.

  • Nazis burn books in Germany.

  • Nazis open Dachau concentration camp.

  • Nazi declared Germany's only political party

  • Germany quits the League of Nations.

  • Period: to


    1934 Hitler combines the positions of chance llorand president to become leader of Germany.1938 Night of Broken Glass, Nazis terrorized Jews through Germany and Austria 30,000 were arrested. 1939 World War II begins. Jews must wear yellow stars of David.1940 Jews are put into concentration camps.1941 Jews may not leave their houses without permission from police.1943 85% of the Jews who would die in the Holocaust to Auschwitz where they are killed.1945 Hitler was defeated and World War II ends.
  • The Nazi "Night of the Long Knives."

  • Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.

  • German President Hindenburg dies.

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany.

  • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles introducing military conscription

  • German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws.

  • Olympic games begin in Berlin.

  • Franco declared head of Spanish State.

  • Hitler threatens Jews during Reichstag speech.

  • Period: to

    Nazis take Czechoslovakia.

  • Spanish Civil war ends.

  • Nazis sign 'Pact of Steel' with Italy

  • British Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy.

  • Period: to

    Battle of Britain

  • Period: to

    First German air raids on Central London-First British air raid on Berlin

    The bombing.
  • Period: to

    Torpedo bomber raid cripples the Italian fleet at Taranto, Italy.

  • Period: to

    Germans bomb Coventry, England.

  • Period: to

    British begin a western desert offensive in North Africa against the Italians.

  • Period: to

    Massive German air raid on London.

  • U.S. Troops in Action

    Five Marines and a Navy hospital corpsman raise the flag on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima, using a piece of Japanese pipe as a mast, February 23, 1945. Three of the flag raisers were later killed as the fighting raged on. By March 16, when Iwo Jima was declared secured, 6,821 Americans and 21,000 Japanese (the entire force) had died. The flag raising photo and subsequent statue came to symbolize being a Marine.
  • The Destroyer of Worlds

    And of course we’re all familiar with the Atomic Bomb, two of which were dropped on Japan to end the Pacific war in 1945. In a pioneering effort, the United States mobilized a massive cadre of scientists, engineers, and industrial plants. Two cities were selected to house processes integral to the bomb’s development. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was surrounded by 59,000 acres of farmland and wilderness. The workers here separated out uranium for the bomb. The bomb was TERRIFYING!
  • Truman Minibook

    On April 3, 1948, President Truman signed the Economic Recovery Act of 1948. It became known as the Marshall Plan, named for Secretary of State George Marshall, who in 1947 proposed that the United States provide economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of postwar Europe.
  • Period: to

    The Civil Rights Movement

    The civil rights movement was a nonviolent social movement and campaign from 1954 to 1968 in the United States to abolish legalized racial segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisement throughout the United States.
  • Northrop B-2 Spirit

    The Northrop B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, is an American heavy strategic bomber, featuring low-observable stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses.
  • Fall Of Twin Towers

  • Period: to

    War on Terror

    The war started when the Twin Towers fell.
  • Period: to

    Ben lived