Modern History - 1750 - 1914

  • 1700 BCE

    1700 Jethro's Seed Drill

    1700 Jethro's Seed Drill
    Jethro invented a seed drill which peasants had previously distributed by hand. This allowed easier planting and more successful planting.
  • Period: to

    18th Century - Rise of Imperialism

    Britain, France, Spain, Germany
  • 1730 Invention of Rotterham's Plough

    1730 Invention of Rotterham's Plough
    Made for little need of peasants to till the soil.
  • Enclosure

    Movement from 3 field farming to Enclosure farming
  • Period: to

    Modern History

  • 1765 Invention of Steam Engine

    1765 Invention of Steam Engine
    Invention of the Steam Engine by Thomas Savery