modern georgia timeline

By fdsasdf
  • Benjamin Mays becomes president of Morehouse College

    Benjamin Mays becomes president of Morehouse College
    While president at Morehouse College, Mays becomes friends with Martin Luther King Jr. who he keeps as a friend until MLK's death. Mays strongly believed that "the dignity of all human beings and the incompatibility of American democratic ideals with American social practices" was an important issue and must be resolved. He was an important African American civil rights activist and educator. He was also a big part of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).
  • Decision against White-Only Primary kept

    Primus King fought against the White Primary in a court case that ruled in his favor, which was eventually appealed by the defense attorneys for the White Primary all the way to the Supreme Court, where it was declined. This meant that African Americans could vote in the primary elections.
  • 3 Governors Controversy

    3 Governors Controversy
    The 3 Governors controversy happened when Eugene Talmadge died after winning the election, but before being sworn in as the governor, The GA General Assembly voted Herman Talmadge in as the governor instead. This upset many people, so the GA Supreme Court held a special election in 1948, which he won. As governor, he created the first state sales tax, which helped fund public education and also promoted industry.
  • Brown v Board of Education Decided

    Brown v Board of Education Decided
    Brown V. Board of Education
    The court case 'Brown v. Board of EDucation' that the Supreme Court decided on was actually a combination of 5 court cases - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka,, Davis v County School Board of Prince Edward County, Briggs v. Elliot, Gebhart v. Belton, and Bolling v. Sharpe. The Supreme Court finally ruled against segregation, and overturned the case 'Plessy v. Ferguson'.
  • Rosa Parks is arrested

    Rosa Parks is arrested
    Rosa Parks is arrested when she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus. Eventually, Martin Luther King became the head of the Montgomery Improvement Association, which organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott. MLK's house was bombed and many threats were made towards people organizing the boycott. Finally, the US Supreme Court declared that segregation on buses was unconstitutional, and buses were integrated.
  • Georgia's flag changes

    Georgia's flag changes
    In 1956, the Georgia state flag was changed to have the Confederate flag instead of 3 stripes that it had before. Many people disagreed with it because they claimed that was not a good thing to have on the state flag. Some people also said that the confederate symbol was hurting Georgia's economy. Many tried to change the state flag but all of them failed, until it was finally changed in 2001.
  • Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes go to UGA

    Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes go to UGA
    Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes on UGA Campus
    On Jan. 6, 1961, a U.S. District Judge ruled that Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes could attend UGA. On, Jan. 9 they rregistered for classes, and they succeeded. On Jan 11, a mob gathered around Hunter's dorm and threw rocks, fireworks, and bottles, which had to be dispersed by the police. This meant thta UGA had been desegregated.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    I Have a Dream Speech
    More than 200,000 people marched in the streets of Washington D.C, protesting social inequality for African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech here.The march ultimately lead to the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
  • Civil Rights Act passed

    Civil Rights Act passed
    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil RIghts Act ended segregation in voting, schools, work, and other public accomdation facilities such as drinking fountains. It also banned discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or national origin. It was passed by Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • Maynard Jackson is elected mayor of Atlanta

    Maynard Jackson is elected mayor of Atlanta
    He was the first African American to be the mayor of Atlanta. As mayor, he gave minority-owned businesses more city contracts, like Andrew Young. He also greatly reformed the city police department to help reduce police treating African Americans unfairly. He also greatly improved the Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport and renamed it to the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, which it is till named as today. Lastly, Jackson also helped bring the 1996 Olympics to Atlanta.
  • Andrew Young is elected mayor of Atlanta

    Andrew Young is elected mayor of Atlanta
    Interview with Andrew Young
    As mayor, he introduced many private investments into Atlanta, like renovating the Atlanta Zoo. He also helped improve public education and also increased the number of scholarships given out. Finally, he gave minority and female-owned businesses more city contracts.