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Modern Georgia and Civil Rights Timeline

  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    Benjamin mays video
    Benjamin Mays had a major effect on the civil rights movement.. Benjamin Mays inspired Martin luther King Jr. to fight for civil rights with his powerful speeches . To learn more watch the first five minuetes of the video.
  • Herman Talmadge becomes govenor

    Herman Talmadge becomes govenor
    Herman took office as govenor in 1947 after his father Eugene passed away, he only served 67 days as the govenor then was impeached due to the Supreme Court finding his governorship unconstitutional. Herman was originally placed on the ballot with his father in the 1946 election and inherited his fathers governship. He was then relected in 1950 to serve until 1955. Herman like his father, resisted all atempts to desgreagate the Georgia school systems.
  • Brown vs. board of education/ new georgia state flag

    Brown vs. board of education/ new georgia state flag
    Brownn vs. Board of education In 1955, the Supreme Court decided that the previous "seprate but equal" decision was unconstitutional and passed laws to desegragate schools. The Georgia Goverment decided to ignore these laws and not only kept their schools segragated but also changed the Georgia state flag to one containing the Confederate square flag.
  • Sibley Comission

    Sibley Comission
    The Sibley Comission was a comitee made up of members of the Georgia General Assembly who decided how schools sould be desegragated. The comitee was asked to gather Georgian's opinions on wether or not the public schools should be desegragated, or shut down. The Sibley Comission's report help create the foundation for the end of the resistance to the goverments desegragation plans.
  • Martinluther king Jr./ march on washington?albany movement

    Martinluther king Jr./ march on washington?albany movement
    Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist who fought for the civil right act to desegragate america. He participated in several protests such as the Albany Movement and the March on Washington. The March On Washington was a coalition of several organiations demanding a civil rights act, Martin represented the SCLC during this march. In 1961 Mr.King learned how powerful a protest can be. From this protest the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comitee) gained more followers.
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter go to UGA

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter go to UGA
    UGA Archives Hamilton Holmes is most recognized for desegragteing The Universety of Georgia ( UGA). In 1961, Holmes , along with Charlayne Hunter were the first two african american students to attend UGA. THis showed all other universities in Georgia that it was a good idea to desegragate.
  • Civil rights act

    Civil rights act
    The civil rights act primary source In 1964 The civil rights act was passed so that all races would have equal rights and equal employment options. This act was requested by President John F Kenedy, and declared segragation unconstituional. Many civil rights activists fought for this act with famous protests such as the Albany Movement and the March On Washington.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    Lestor Maddox was Govenor of Georgia. Maddox was a white supremecists who stubbornly followed the old Jim Crow laws. Before Maddox was elected as govenor he opened his own restuarant in Atlanta but refuse service to all colored people. On July 3rd 1964 Lestor and several others forcibly turned away some African American activists. Lester's stand at his restaurant gained him many white supporters during his election. While in office Lester against all odds help the proggression of desgragation.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Andrew Young was the first African American to be elected to the Georgia Congress since reconstruction. Young was elected into the Georgia House of representatives in 1972. Andrew Young worked with president Carter then was elected Mayor of Atlanta in 1981.
  • Maynard Jackson as the mayor of Atlanta

    Maynard Jackson as the mayor of Atlanta
    You Tube VideoMaynard Jackson was the first African American man to be the mayor of a major Southern city. Jackson became mayor after Andrew Young in 1973 and served two consecutive four year terms then was relected in 1990. Jackson worked with several people including Andrew Young and Billy Payne to bring the 1996 Olympic games to Atlanta.