Modern Georgia and Civil Rights segregation and Civil Rights

  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    Was president of Morehouse college. Civil rights leader.
  • Martin Luther KIng Jr.

    Martin Luther KIng Jr.
    Most famous for his I have a dream speech. Recieved Noble Peace Prize at age 35. Murdered in 1968.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Civil rights leader. First black congressman. First African American U.N. ammbasador.
  • 1946 Governer's Race/End of the White Primary

    1946 Governer's Race/End of the White Primary
    Also known as the three governer cotroversy. IN 1946 Eugene Talmadge was elected governer, but he died. So the Georgia state legislature elected his son as governer. But, Talmadge's Luitenent governer claimed he should be governer. And the previous governer crefused to leave the office.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    In 1954, OLiver Brown argued that his duaghters education was not equal to that of white's education. Went to supreme court and integrated schools.
  • 1956 State Flag

    In 1956 Georgia added the confederate flag to its state flag, protesting against integrating schools. It was Georgia's state flag until 2001.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC)

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC)
    Protested segregation of various places.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    A mass movement to desegregate the community.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Over 200000 gathered to protest for jobs and freedom. Ended in MLK's "I have a dream" speech.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act