Modern Georgia and Civil Rights


    The date: 1 Jan is used in case of unknown day/month. I couldn't find every single exact date. Thank you.
  • Benjamin Mays becomes president of Morehouse College.

    Benjamin Mays becomes president of Morehouse College.
    Mays was an outspoken critic of segregation. When he became president of the african-american school he worked to improve its standards and raised their acedemic reputation. One of his most famouse students was Martin Luther King Jr.
  • White Primaries declared unconstitutional.

    This was the day the Supreame Court declared White Primarys unconstitutional. They were used during the Civil Rights Movement to supress African-Americans once again and keep them out of office positions. What they used to do was allow votes and meetings that only whites could attend.
  • The Governor's Race

    Later became known as the three governor controversy. Eugene Talmadge died before taking office. Ellis Arnell, Herman Talmadge, and M. E. Thompson all thought that they were supposed to be governor. When the Georgia Assembly selected Herman, Ellis refused to belive the votes and Thompson said he was gooing to wait for a supreme court desicion. So, Georgia then had three different governors at the same time.
  • Herman Talmage takes office.

    Herman Talmage takes office.
    Herman Talmadge takes office. He is son of Eugene Talmadge, and like his father, was for very much for white supreamacy. He was actualy selected by the Georgia Assembly, not voted for.
  • Brown v.s Board of Education

    Brown v.s Board of Education
    Supreme Court record of the Brown v.s Board of Education case.The Supreme Court had long ago, taken up the phrase "seperate but equal". In Brown v.s Board of Education however, segregation in public schools was declared unconstitutional.
  • State Flag

    State Flag
    <ahref='' >Old black and white photo of flag being authorised by Governor Marvin Griffin.</a>In 1856 the state flag was changed to show the old Confederate symbol. Many were offended that the state was still in the past instead of being more in the future. African Americans especially because of the reference to slavery.
  • Sibley Commision created

    Sibley Commision created
    The Sibley Commision was created by the Georgia General Assembly in 1960. It's president was John Sibley. What they did, was held public meetings all over Georgia in order to see the publics opinion on integrating the schools. They reccomended that the schools choose what to do, and the majority choose to not integrate.
  • SNCC created

    SNCC created
    Earlyier that year, black students in a North Carolina college started something called a sit-in. Their protest was not succesful, but it did inspire another group of students, also in NC to start an organisation that protested for the equality and voting rights of African-Americans. This organisation was called the Student Nov-Violent Coordinating Committee, or SNCC.
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne become first african-americans to be students in UGA.

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne become first african-americans to be students in UGA.
    The governor who suppoerted this action was Vandiver, and after the succes with the two students, he went even further and asked the legislature to repeal all segregation laws. It was because of his actions that the integration of Georgia's public schools was fast, easy, and effective.
  • Albany movement begins

    Albany movement begins
    This event took place six months after the "Brown v.s Board of Education." In 1961, Albany, G.A's schools were still segregated. November that year, workers from the NAACP sat in the "whites only" waitng room at a bus stop. They were quickly arrested. This action started the Albany Movement. In December, supporters of integration and SNCC members gathered to protest in Albany. At the end of the month, a commitee that represented both races was created to solve the racial issues in the town.
  • John F. Kennedy sends civil rights bill to congress. (March on Washington)

    John F. Kennedy sends civil rights bill to congress. (March on Washington)
    This is a speech that JFK gave to the American people just 8 days before he sent the bill to congress.On this day, President Kennedy sent a bill to congress, calling for and end to discrimination in public places, fair employment, and equal voting rights. This lead to a remarkable event. 250,000 people of all races and nationalities gathered by the Washington Monument and listen to MLKJr. give a remarkable speech.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream speech"

    Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream speech"
    <ahref='' >Audio of the speech:</a>On this day, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a dream" speech at the Lincols Memorial in Washington D.C. He attended college at Morehouse College and studied at Boston University. He also served to become a pastor at two different churches. He has been named "Man of the Year" by Time Magazine and been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was a great leder of the Civil Rghts Movement.
  • Civil Rights Act passed.

    Civil Rights Act passed.
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The President after JFK, Lyndon B. Johnson, strongly supported the Civil Rights Act, and under his leadership, it became a law. This law made segregation of all public facilities illegal, made schools integrate, and made discrimination in businesses and jobs illegal.
  • Lester Maddox elected.

    Lester Maddox elected.
    Lester Maddox, a segragationist, was the winner of the 1966 election. This its self as suprising, but even more so was what he did in office. He appointed more African Americans to state boards and commisions, reformed state prisons, integrated the Georgia State Patrol, and increased the spending on education and schools. And after his term, he became lieutenant governor.
  • Andrew Young becomes president of Morehouse College.

    Andrew Young becomes president of Morehouse College.
    Andrew Young had done many things, and was a big leder in Civil Rights, but one of his biggest accomplishments was in 1972. He baceme the first african-american since the reconstruction era to have a seat in congress.
  • Maynard Jackson elected.

    Maynard Jackson elected.
    Manyard Jackson, was Atlanta's first African American mayor. He was known for creating "neighborhood planning units", suppresing police brutality, and expanding MARTA. He also expanded the Hartsfield International Airport and expanded economic oprotunity. When he died, the airport was renamed the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.