
Modern GA and Civil Rights

  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    Date was when he was born. Was an African American minister, educator, scholar, and social activist,Perhaps best known as longtime president of Morehouse College in Atlanta. He was also a significant mentor to civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and was among the most articulate and outspoken critics of segregation before the rise of the modern civil rights movement in the United States.Leadership in NAACP and YMCA.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Date above is birthdate.Started working in SCLC in 1961.Won Georgia's Fifth District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1972 and became the first African American since Reconstruction to be elected to Congress from Georgia.One of the two of the first black southerners in Congress in the twentieth century. The other was a black woman named Barbara Jordan.
  • Maynard Jackson as ATL Mayor

    Maynard Jackson as ATL Mayor
    Date was his birthdate. First African American to serve as mayor of major southern city. Elected mayor of Atlanta in 1973, Jackson was the first African American to serve as mayor of a major southern city. Jackson served eight years and then returned for a third term in 1990, following Andrew Young. As a result of affirmative action programs instituted by Jackson in his first two terms, the portion of city business going to minority firms rose dramatically. went against Herman Talmadge in 1968.
  • Ellis Arnall

    Ellis Arnall
    Youngest governor in nation.Won the 1942 Democratic gubernatorial election.while in office, accreditation was put back into the university system, reforms in the state's prison system were sanctioned, the voting age was changed to 18, the poll tax was eliminated, a new state constitution was made, and a state employees merit system was created, as well as a teachers' retirement system. The state's debt shrunk, the governor's pardoning power was eliminated, and campaign laws were improved.
  • End of White Primary

    Non-Whites couldn't participate. Many restrictions, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, prohibited Non-Whites. Eventually, Texas passed a law in 1923 that gave power to state conventions of political parties to make rules for their primaries, which banned African Americans and other minorities from participating in Democratic Party primaries. However, in the cases in Texas between 1927 and 1932, the Supreme Court determined these laws unfair, and that they violated the 14th Amendment.
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    date was when Talmadge sworn in as gubernational goernor. In the governor's race. Took Eugene's place when he died. Strict segregationist. During his term, state's enacted first sales tax. Also created 9-month school year. Brought timber industry to Georgia.
  • 1946 Governor's Race

    Herman Talmadge CommentaryArnall wouldn't accept Herman Talmadge as next governor. Made Lieutenant governor in charge, and evacuated governor house. After GA General Assembly Voted Talmadge, Arnall refused. Gained nationwide popularity. Finally, Talmadge was elected, although this angered many blacks and Arnall's supporters.
  • Brown VS. Board of Education

    Brown VS. Board of Education
    Brown/BOE videoSupreme Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. Replaced Plessy VS. Ferguson ideal of "Seperate but Equal", to Seperate but unequal. Brown's daughter had to walk 6 blocks to her bus stop, then go 1 mile to her black school (they were black), while there was a white school only 7 blocks away. Brown filed a lawsuit against Topekasegregatio rules. Thurgood Marshall was black lawyer who won on Brown's side.
  • 1956 Ga State Flag

    1956 Ga State Flag
    Campaigned by John Sammons Bell.state senators Jefferson Lee Davis and Willis Harden were well known for their interest in Georgia's Confederate history, and aided Bell.Marked the upcoming centennial of the Civil War.
  • SNCC

    Civil Rights organization. Coined slogan "One Man, One Vote". Played a major role in the sit-ins and freedom rides, a leading role in the 1963 March on Washington, Mississippi Freedom Summer, and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. SNCC's major contribution was in its field work, organizing voter registration drives all over the South, especially in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    Committee gathers state residents' opinions for desegregation and reports to governor. The report made by the Sibley Commissionstarted the the end of massive resistance to desegregation in the state.Sibley opposed desegregation.To make support for a "local option" idea in which school boards could find out their choice for desegregation,Sibley had series of hearings carefully planned to reduce suppport for mass resistance. Date shown was when he submits commission's report,ignoring hearing data.
  • Hamilton Holmes &Charlayne Hunter to UGA

    Hamilton Holmes &Charlayne Hunter to UGA
    Date was when Hunter and Holmes registered at UGA Academic Building.University's first African American students since its founding in 1785.However, the whites there were racist and opposed integration, and tormented Hunter and Holmes.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    First mass movement in the modern civil rights era to have as its goal the desegregation of an entire community, and it resulted in the jailing of more than 1,000 African Americans in Albany and surrounding rural counties.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    "I Have A Dream" SpeechOne of the largest political rallies for human rights in United States history. Purpose was for civil and economic rights for African Americans. Took place in Washington, D.C..Thousands of Americans headed to Washington on Tuesday August 27, 1963. On Wednesday, August 28, 1963. Martin Luther King, Jr., standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, delivered his famous"I Have a Dream" speech where he called for an end to racism.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Civil Rights Act 1964Outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Ended unfair use of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public (known as "public accommodations").
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    On the date above, Maddox and a group of supporters wielding axe handles forcibly turned away three black activists. This would be used against him by civil activists. Owned the Pickrick.Championed integrity and economy in government—and above all, segregation.As governor he backed significant prison reform, appointed 1st black state patrol officer, first black official to the state Board of Corrections.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    MLKJ VideoAbove date is day of assasination.Was an American pastor, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his preaching of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs. He is most famous for his March on Washington's "I Have a Dream" speech.