Benjamin Mays class of 1920
[civil rights activist ](<a href='https://prayerslacker.wordpress.com/2011/08/09/dr-benjamin-mays-martin-luther-king-eulogy-morehouse-college-april-9-1968/)' Martin Luther King JR. was in Benjamins May's class of 1920 at Morehouse College. THere they became close friends and Mays was MLKs mentor. In fact mays spoke at King's Funeral. -
3 governors controversy
Eugene Talmage died and his son tried to become governor, while the liutenant governor tried to be inagurated, as well as the sitting governor tried to stay until things were worked out. -
Brown v Board
The father of Louise Brown wanted his daughter to go to public schools, but they were segregated so she wasn't allowed. He brought this to the suprmeme court who ruled that all schools must be desegregated and integrated. -
Period: to
sit insThe Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comitee organized peaceful sit ins at counters, protests and many more through out their years. -
Herman Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
[very successful](<a href='http://www.civilrights.uga.edu/cities/athens/hamp1.htm)' >At first</a> they were not accepted into UGA due to their race, but when the highly qualified students took their case to the federal court, they were gratned an immediate acceptance to UGA. They are both now very successful. -
Period: to
Albany movement
protestThe Albany movement was organized by the sncc to desegregate Georgia but the police put so many people in jail that they had noone left to protest. -
March on Washington
200,000 200,000 civil rights activists joined in D.C to protest racial segregation and unfair treatment of blacks. -
MLK "I have a dream" speech
MLKMLk was an inspiration to many people. He inspired so many activists to peacefully fight and gain equal treatment. -
Flag Change
[The change in states flag caused ](<a href='http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/government-politics/state-flags-georgia' )>state flag</a>most white people in the state were mad because of the desicion in brown v board so they petitioned to put the stars and bars on the state flag, which eventually happened.