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Taiping Rebellion
A huge civil war broke out in china in the span of 14 years known as the Taiping Rebellion. The rebellion was led by a man known as Hong Xiuquan. He claimed to have had visions stating that he was the younger brother of Jesus. A massive 20 million people were killed in this military conflict.
One of the deadliest conflicts in Chinese history. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiping_Rebellion -
Wuchang Uprising
The Wuchang Uprising was the Chinese uprising that helped speed up the process to theXinhai Revolution, ending the Qing Dynasty and up bringing the Republic of China. It began with the railway crisis. The crisis quickly grew to an uprising where the revolutionaries went up against Qing government officials. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuchang_Uprising -
Founding Date of the Republic of China
The Republic of China was an East Asian state that contained the current territories of China and Taiwan between 1912 and 1949. The era was preceded by the final royal dynasty of China, the Qing dynasty and was precededby the People's Republic of China. It ended with the Chinese Civil War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Republic_of_China http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_(1912â49) -
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Northern Expedition
The Northern Expedition was a campaign with the military led by the Kuomintang from 1926 to 1928. Its goal was to unify China under its own control, by ending the rule of Beiyang and the warlords. It led to the end of the Warlord Era, the reunification of China and the establishment of the Nanjing government. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Expedition -
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Mukden Incident
On September 18, 1931, a small quantity of dynamite was detonated by Lt. Kawamoto Suemori close to a railway line owned by Japan near Mukden. Although the explosion was so weak that it failed to destroy the track the Imperial Japanese Army, accusing China of the act, responded with an invasion that led to the Manchuria, in which Japan established its puppet state. This lead Japan to leave the League of Nations. -
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Long March
In October 1934 Chinese Communists broke through Nationalist lines and began to fight from their headquarters in southwest China. This was known as the Long March, the march or series of marches lasted a year and covered some 4,000 miles. The Long March marked the start of Mao Zedong as the leader of the Chinese Communists. http://www.history.com/topics/long-march -
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Second Sino-Japanese War
The Second Sino-Japanese War was a war fought primarily between the Rupublic of China and the Empire of Japan. It was the largest asian war in the 20th century and merged into the greater confllict which was going to World War II with what was known as the Pacific War http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Sino-Japanese_War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Sino-Japanese_War -
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Nanking Massacre
The Nanking Massacre was a massacre involving mass murder and mass rape in Nanking. It followed after the Second Sino Japanese War. The massacre went on for six weeks where many people, thousands is not tens of thousands of people were killed by the japanese army. During this time rape was also occuring. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_Massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_Massacre -
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Great Leap Forward
The Great Leap Forward was a campaign by the communist led my Mao Zedong, who wanted to change the economy into a Commusinst society. He planned on doing this through industrailizm and collectivization. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward -
Founding of People's Republic of China
After a close victory by the Communist Party of China during the Chinese Civil War Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China in Tiananmen. The republic for several decades been close with China, but it is only the most recent people to govern mainland China. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_People's_Republic
http://www.dw.de/image/0,,4612851_4,00.jpg -
Chinese Nationalists move Capital to Taiwan
Chiang moved the capital back to Taiwan to resume his presidency. During this time he was preparing to take back China which wasw one of his goals. He was planning his attack for the year 1962. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiang_Kai-shek#Presidency_in_Taiwan:_1950.E2.80.931975 -
Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet
The 17 Point Agreement with Tibet was really and agreement giving Tibets souvernty to China. The agreement was reached in 1951 and it liberated Tibet and gave it to the Peoples Republic of China
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventeen_Point_Agreement_for_the_Peaceful_Liberation_of_Tibet#mediaviewer/File:Seventeen-Point_Plan_Chinese_1.jpg -
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Cultural Revolution
The cultural Revolution was a political movement that took place in the Peoples Republic of China. It was a complete movement that tried to get rid of all other views and change them to Communism. The movement stopped China and afected the country economically and socially and compectly changed how people viewed China. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution -
The May 16 Notification
The May 16 Notification were documents regarding the cutting off of officials. Out of these documents one specifically talked about the Communist having enimies of communist in the party. This was a big question mark in the trust of the party. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution#The_May_16_Notification -
People's Republic of China admitted to UN
Peoples Republic of China joined the United Nation when they opted out the Republic of China for the Peoples Republic of China. Resoultion 2758 was the allowed PRC to join the UN.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_and_the_United_Nations -
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Nixon visits China
President Nixon visited China to help the relationship between both groups. It was the first time in 25 years something like thst had happened. President Nixon always wanted a better relationshhip with PRC and it happened for a week.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1972_Nixon_visit_to_China -
Gang of Four arrested
A group of Communist officials and leaders who were all charged with treasonous crimes. The gang controlled much of the power of the Communist during the cultural revolution. Theyre arrest led to celebration on the streets. -
One Child Policy Instituted
The family planning policy, known as the one-child policy in the West is a population control policy of the People's Republic of China. The policy is enforced at the provincial level through fines that are imposed based on the income of the family and other factors. It was implemented to control the birth rate in China Due to the fact that the number was increasing to dramatic heights.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-child_policy#mediaviewer/File:Chinese_family_with_one_child_at_Beihai_Park,_B -
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Tiananmen Square Protests
This protest started with students protesting the Chinese government saying they wanted Democracy. After a while of protesting with tactics such as not eating the government sent in military to retaliate to the protests. After the death of many people an agreemement was made that benifited both sides of the party. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989 -
Building of the Three Gorges Dam
The hydroeletric dam goes as far as the Yangtze River. Due to its installed capacity it is the worlds largest and greatest power station. It is used for electricity and also used for shipping and navigation purposes.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Gorges_Dam#mediaviewer/File:ThreeGorgesDam-China2009.jpg -
Hong Kong Returned to China
This was a televised even that transferred Hong Kongs souvernty from the United Kingdom over to China. This made it to where Hong Kong was apart of the Peoples Rpublic of China.
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/images/2012cpc/attachement/jpg/site201/20110831/0023ae69624d0fc8396217.jpg -
Macau returned to China
Macau was a Portugal owned area. They got the area due to many wars including the First and Second Opium War. The war allowed Portugal to keep the area if it would control the opium smuggling problems occuring. The Sino-Porteugese Joint after a series of events gave Macau back to China.
http://wathappened2dayinhistory.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/handover_ceremony_of_macau_government.jpg -
Hainan Island incident
A mid air collision between two airplanes from both United States and the PRC resulted in a dispute between the two groups. One of the PRC pilots was killed while 24 americans had to make an emergency drop and were captured and interogated. A statement was sent by the United States which stopped a potential war from breaking out,