Modern Chinese History

  • Period: to

    Taipeng Rebellion

    The Taipeng Rebellion was ajf ksaj kjkdj fd jdk asjfkals jaks dsa jfka;s fksajdkfja kfjksajdfk;sajfksajfs\ Text: http://
  • Period: to

    Great Leap Forward

    The Great Leap Forward was jsadljfjakjf ;a da fkjsadfk dsakfjf j safdsa jf; lkj dsak jfksa fsa fkdj fa jfjfo[ jadsflka jskfkafsakjf dskl Text
  • The May 16 Notification

    The May 16 Notification
    the May 16 notification was jasdfh ads j kajflaj;lkj f;afj jfa;lkj ads;lkjfa;lkj;lkajf;kasj f;ldsajd;lkj ads jflksa jfajf;lkaj;das jf Text
    kajdf ka jdfkajkfas jd;ldajf ;klj
  • Construction Begins on the Three Gorges Dam

    Construction  Begins on the Three Gorges Dam
    The Three Gorges Dam stretech across jdaf kfja fkja ;kf;kajf jfksajfsak jfjf;jkfdsak jfsa;jkf ;kajdfkadsfj dsafsajhf jashd fa;sf ;lksa jfsad;lj asd jdfsa;dsafkl dsajfhdsa jkdafjk;sadhfksadfkj dsafkdsaf;lkajsfkdsanf;sa jkfhajk;f hsahjf;jksadfj; hdsa. Text