Modern Canada

By JennyN
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
  • Colonial and Imperal Conferences

    Colonial and Imperal Conferences
  • Laurier Liberals had adopted "Unrestricted Reciprocity"

    Laurier Liberals had adopted "Unrestricted Reciprocity"
  • South American War

    South American War
  • Naval Service Act

    Naval Service Act
  • The general election

  • War Cabinet and War Conference

  • Meighen represented Canada at the Imperal Conference

  • Chanak Affair

  • Halibut Treaty

    Halibut Treaty
  • Balfour Report

  • Vincent Massey bacame the first Canadian minister to the US

    Vincent Massey bacame the first Canadian minister to the US
  • Korean War

    Korean War
  • Constitution Act

    Constitution Act
  • Free trade with US

    Free trade with US