Death of archduke ferdinand h

Modern America and World War 1 1914-1932

  • First commercial plane flight in United States

    First commercial plane flight in United States
    The plane flight was from Saint Petersburg to Tampa. The plane was a Benoist XIV the plane was flown by Tony Jannus and his one paying passenger, who paid $400.
    The First Commercial Flight. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2017, from
  • Ford Motor Company introduces an 8 hour work day

    During 1914 Ford Motor Company introduces 8 hour work day to employees. The employees got paid a minimum wage of $5 for a day's labor
  • Mother's Day

    Mother's Day
    On May 8th Congress passed the law making the second Sunday of May the national holiday Mother's Day.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination

    19 year old Serbian Nationalist Gavrilo Princip shot and killed the Archduke, the heir of the Austro Hungry throne. []
  • USS Nevada is launched

    USS Nevada is launched
  • Germany declares war.

    Germany declares war on Russia and France. Germany supported the Austro Hungry empire after the assassination of the Archduke
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Britain and Russia were allies. When Germany declared war on Russia Britain responded by declaring war Germany
  • First telephone conversation between New York and San Francisco

    Alexander Grahm Bell and Thomas Watson have the first telephone conversation.
  • US Coast Guard is established.

    US coast guard takes over the responsibilities that the US Life Saving Services previously did.
  • Lusitania Sunk

    Lusitania Sunk
    The British ship the Lusitania was sunk by a German U boat killing 128 American passengers
  • US purchases Virgin Islands

    United States purchases Virgin Islands from Denmark for 25 million
  • Park Service is created

    Park Service is created
    Park Service is created with the mission to protect and serve natural lands historic sites and wildlife.
  • Woodrow Wilson wins second term for president

    Woodrow wins president for the second time beating Republican candidate Charles E Hughes
  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany and joins allies in World War 1
  • First US troops land in Europe

    Under the command of General John Pershing the American Expeditionary force landed in Europe
  • Timezones established

    United States Congress establishes timezones.
  • 18th Amendment was passed

    Probation becomes law. It is now illegal to consume and sell alcohol beverages
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed ending World War 1
  • 19th Amendment is passed

    19th Amendment is passed giving the right to vote to women
  • American Professional Football League

    American Professional Football League
    American Professional Football League is formed
  • Warren G Harding wins presidential election

    Warren G Harding wins presidential election
    Harding wins landslide victory in presidential election
  • Construction on Yankee stadium begins

    Construction on Yankee stadium begins in New York city
  • Warren G Harding dies

    Warren G Harding dies in office. Calvin Coolidge Becomes president
  • Calvin Coolidge stays in office for a second term

    Calvin Coolidge stays in office for a second term
    Calvin Coolidge wins presidential race staying in office
  • Period: to

    Great Mississippi Flood occurs

  • Amelia Earhart flies over the Atlantic Ocean

    Amelia Earhart becomes the first American women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean
  • Herbert Hoover wins presidential election

    Herbert Hoover wins presidential election
    Herbert Hoover wins presidential election
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market crash causing the worst depressions in US history
  • Clarence Birdseye creates frozen food

    Technology moves forward. Clarence Birdseye invents frozen food with his quick-freezing process and patents the concept.
  • The Star Spangled Banner becomes the national anthem

    Herbert Hoover and Congress approved the Star Spangled Banner as the national anthem
  • Empire State building opens for business

    Construction on the Empire State building Is completed and the doors open for business
  • Franklin D Roosevelt becomes President

    Franklin D Roosevelt becomes President
    Franklin D Roosevelt beats Hebert Hoover in the presidential race