4600 BCE
M: Formation of the Earth
Period: 4600 BCE to 3800 BCE
Hadean Era
4100 BCE
L: Rapid Growth of Continents
Period: 3800 BCE to 2500 BCE
Archaean Era
Brown -
3500 BCE
23: Life (bacteria-prokaryotes)
2700 BCE
22: Eukaryotes
Period: 2500 BCE to 570 BCE
Proterozoic Era
White -
2400 BCE
K: Free Oxygen Building Up in the Atmosphere (about .2%)
2100 BCE
21: Multi-cellular Organisms (algae)
600 BCE
20: Soft-bodied Animals
Period: 570 BCE to 245 BCE
Paleozoic Era
Orange -
540 BCE
19: Animals with hard shells
500 BCE
18: Vertebrates (jawless fish)
430 BCE
17: Land Plants
400 BCE
16: Land Animals (insects)
380 BCE
K: Free Oxygen Nears Present Levels (21%)
360 BCE
15: Amphibians
320 BCE
I: Extensive Coal Deposits (North America and Europe)
310 BCE
13: Reptiles
290 BCE
H: Formation of Supercontinent Pangea
Period: 245 BCE to 208 BCE
Triassic Period
Light Blue -
215 BCE
12: Dinosaurs
210 BCE
11: Mammals
Period: 208 BCE to 146 BCE
Jurassic Period
Red -
200 BCE
G: Breakup of Pangea and Formation of the Atlantic Ocean
155 BCE
10: Birds
Period: 146 BCE to 65 BCE
Cretaceous Period
Purple -
130 BCE
9: Flowering Plants
70 BCE
F: Formation of Rocky Mountains
65 BCE
E: Cretaceous/Tertiary Meteor Impact
Period: 65 BCE to 2
Cenozoic Era
55 BCE
8: Primates
45 BCE
D: Formation of the Himalayan Mountains
45 BCE
C: Separation of Antarctica and Australia
35 BCE
7: Monkeys
6: Hominids
5: "Lucy" (Australopithecus)
B: Land Bridge Between North and South America
4: Manufactured Stone Tools
3: Neanderthals
1 CE
A: Most Recent Ice Age
1 CE
2: Modern Humans
1 CE
1: Pictograms- Earliest Written Communication