First Automobiles Are Imported Into Canada From the US
With the first automobiles being presented to the middle class, leisure became available to all. This also allowed transportation across small distances and for families to live further apart. The automobile was a form of transportation that was destined to become apart of the everyday Canadian life. -
First Transatlantic Wireless Message Is Received
This first message was monumental in the transport of knowledge and ideals quickly and across a large distance. Now with information being able to be delivered quickly and across oceans, important international information became readily available not for just the wealthy but all citizens -
Alberta and Saskatchewan Become the Eighth and Ninth Provinces
With Canada slowly becoming a larger and larger country, many lives of the settlers also began to change. No longer were they caught up in chasing after the British nobility but slowly began to create their own identifies as Canadians. The prairie provinces were places where it was difficult to live due to the climate. After becoming a part of Canada their lives began to improve due to provincial help. -
BC Native Chiefs Take Land Claim to the British Privy Council
This was a monumental event in Canadian history due to the fact that lawyers were not allowed to represent the Indigenous people in court without permission from the government. Taking the land claim to an even higher power gave the Aboriginal people hope to reclaim their lands and the rest of the rights that were forsaken during the era of the fur trade. -
Asians are Attacked during Vancouver Riots
This is a glimpse screenshot of the public opinion that many Canadians had to the Asian immigration population. As immigration increased, so did the racial ideals and discrimination. Originally brought over with the intent of creating a better life for themselves, many immigrants found themselves cheated of their work and either in debt or without enough money to pay to get back to home. -
First Airplane Flight in Canada
This introduced international travel to Canadians and a mode of transportation that was once a dream became a reality. For sailing the ocean was the main method but air travel was slowly beginning to be exposed to the public. Later on this would prove useful in the war where many battles would take place in the air. -
Conservatives Under Robert Borden Win the Federal Election
A change in political ideas bring Canada into an era where many changes would take place. This also gives a reflection of what the public opinions on matters such as economy, transportation, rights amongst others. Canadians voted the Conservatives with the idea that Canadian economy would have an impact on the international one. To this day this party has lasted showing the long lasting legacy they have. -
Highest Number of Immigrants Come to Canada
Immigrants were brought over to Canada with the idea that they would be able to make a fortune to bring back home. As many of these people were from poor villages in the south, one could say that they were naive in trusting such a long and difficult journey. Many were brought to build the railway amongst other difficult jobs of labour. Most of the immigrants were men due the fact that head tax as well as racial discrimination made it difficult for women and children to immigrate.