20110514 napcoup

Mod 12 Lesson 2

  • Russification

    Takes the sting out of those who wanted to reform Russia and to bind all Russian people around one person.
  • Assassination of Czar Nicholas II

    Assassination of Czar Nicholas II
    Nicholas II was the last emperor of Russia, Grand Duke of Finland and titular King of Poland, It is official short title was Nicholas II. Emperor and Autocraft of all the Russia.
  • Emancipation of Serfs

    Emancipation of Serfs
    Freed Serfs from being abused and disrespected by highed power
  • Zemstvos

    Form of local government instituted during the great liberal reforms
  • Russo- Japense War

    Russo- Japense War
    First great war of the 20th century. Grow out of rival imperial ambitions of the Russian empire and Empire of Japenese over Manchuria and Korea
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    Wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian empire.
  • Grigori Rasputin

    Grigori Rasputin
    Russian Mystic and advisor to the Romanovs, Never connected Orthodox Church.
  • Brest- Litovsk d'teat

    Brest- Litovsk d'teat
    Seperate- peace treaty soviet governent was forced to sign after six month long negotiations at Brest- Litovsk
  • Russia losses the war

    Russia losses the war
    Joined front- lined forces as part of the second turn-34th legiment of Cossack troops
  • Russian Orthodox Chruch

    Russian Orthodox Chruch
    There were 55,173 Russian Orthodox Churches Russian Empire was then dissolved and the Tsarist goverment and granted chuches more power and privileges.
  • Assassination in Sareyero and Russian supporters for Serbs

    Assassination in Sareyero and Russian supporters for Serbs
    Franz Ferdinand was visiting in Sarajero when his driver got lost, even though this was dangerous Ferdinand visited anyways and was shot and killed by Gavrillo Princip
  • Peace Land Bread

    Battle cry of the 1917 October revolution
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    Known as October Revolution. A seizure of state power instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Ended the state war between Germany and the Allied Powers
  • November Coup d'teat

    November Coup d'teat
    Took place Nov 10-11 1963, following internal party divisions, pro- Nasserist Iraqi officers, led a military coup within the Ba'ath party.