Panema Channal
The project of buildin the Panema Channal began. -
Mao ZeDong was born
Mao ZeDong was born on December 26 1893. Mao was born in the village of Shaoshan, Hunana province, in China.
(Spence 1) -
Panema Channal
The Panema Channal was finished -
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
The Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. -
Student Strike
Mao organized a student strike to protest against rise in the fees.
(Faulkner 15) -
World War 1
World War One ended. -
Third Communist International
In March of 1919 the first meetings of the Third Communist International was held.
(Faulkner 60) -
Cultural Book Society
Mao set up a cultural book society in Changsha in 1920. -
Father's death
Mao ZeDong's father passed away. Mao was too preoccupied to return for the funeral. Mao had become the headmaster of Hunan First Normal School's primaray school.
(Faulkner 27) -
Chinnese Communist Party
Mao was a founder member of the Chinese Communist Party. -
The communists make Yan'an their headquarters. -
Mao launches the Cheng Feng movement to dispose of his political opponiants.
(Faulkner 109) -
Hiroshima bombing
America atomic bombs Hiroshima. -
The Friendship Alliance and Mutual Assistance
Moa concludes the Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance with Russian government. Moa's mother also dies.
(Spence 76) -
The assaination of J.F.K. took place on november 22, 1963. -
The United States evacuate Saigon the capital of South Vieteim. -
Moa ZeDong's death day
on May 11th 1976 Moa suffered a heart attak. Again on June 16th he was struck with a second heart attack. Moa was worn out and when the third heart attack struck on September 9th Moa died.
(Payne 257)