
MLG timeline

  • 1 CE


    A rand0m nuke cam out of n0where and exploded.
    Tis created mlg things includin weeeeed
  • 250


    mlgness wassss involving and turned turned greeeen shrek and blue shrek. tis created omfg things
  • 500

    Mlg is born

    Mlg has risen and spreaded all over tings.
    It spreeded so mUch it became to #EPIC
  • Dec 12, 650

    X2 spred of mlgness

    Mlg tings includin shrek found weeed. Shrek loved weeed and wanted to mak the weeed alive. But it turned into the illumanti
  • Dec 23, 700

    Out of CONtrolls

    Teh Illuminati didn't listen too shrek and wanted to become the M1G leeder. So they mak no scope 360 snipers to defeat shrek and hired trololollols
  • Dec 23, 850

    THE MLG WAR....!!!!!!!!!111!!

    teh war started and shrek attacked. wHen he kill Illuminatissss, it made more mlg things including sannnnic and was shrek sidddeeeee....... THEN GOT CRAZY AND FAST....... SO FASSSTT... THEY ALL TIME TRAVELLLLLLLLLLL.