Mitz's Timline

  • Mitz Was Born

    Mitz Was Born
    In May 24, 2001 I was born into the world named Earth.
  • Mitz Enters A Fight

    Mitz Enters A Fight
    I was in the Phillipines when I had my first fight against my closest friend. I fought him because he cheated in a game of beyblades
  • Mitz Concepcion Moves To The States

    Mitz Concepcion Moves To The States
    I moved to america in our this date. I moved to the USA because my most of my family were already here.
  • The Day I started kindergarden

    The Day I started kindergarden
    The first day of kindergarden was pretty rough for me being bald and not knowing english.
  • Fatness Overload

    Fatness Overload
    End of third grade I Got and iPad mini for Christmas and I was played it so by the time third grade end I put on about 20 pounds which was on my birthday.
  • Best vacation

    Best vacation
    I returend back to the Phillippines for about a month for vacation and had an amazing time.
  • The Best School Year Ever

    The Best School Year Ever
    It was the best year because I met three of the best people I know today. Brahiam Rios, Dawson Hinders and last but not least Elliott Sinnwell.
  • Football Comes Into My Life

    Football Comes Into My Life
    My friends convince me to try football and I totally loved it. I still play the sport to this very day.
  • Basketball changes my life

    Basketball changes my life
    Basketball enters my life and changes it cmpletely I used to be really fat. Until I put my time and dedication to the sport I wasn't that good but I still tried.
  • Ran over

    Ran over
    I was going to the girls basketball game and i hit a semi
  • Work

    I will start working at the end of the school year. to gain money for my own things.
  • BOF Member

    BOF Member
    I will be in BOF when im a freshman
  • Drive License

    Drive License
    I will be doing drrivers ed and will get my license when I'm 16
  • Car!!

    I will get a car after i get my license. It will be a cheap car in case i crash.
  • Braces

    I hope i will get braces. for my messed up teeth
  • Graduation!

    This is the time I graduate and leave highschool
  • College

    I will be learning at NIACC on Engineering for a year.
  • Califrornia!!

    I will be living in california with elliott brahiam and john. In a shady hotel.
  • Engineer

    I will work as an engineer to earn money

    i will be in the hall of fame for basketball