Mistry Giver Vocabulary

By SMistry
  • Mistry Giver Vocabulary

  • Utopia

    Utopia (noun): an ideal community or perfect society
    Ex: The utopia-like world protected Jack from any harm outside the community.
    Antonyms- Unorganized, Dirty
  • Conformity

    Conformity (noun): The act of following others or doing
    what others do in order to fit in with them.
    Ex: In order for Jack to conform with his friends, he needed to wear boots, bandanas, sunglasses and a leather jacket.
    Antonyms: Different, Opposite
  • Chastise

    Chastise (Verb)- to discipline or to punish
    Ex- After Jack robbed a bank in the utopia world, the government chastised him and made him suffer in prison in alcatraz.
    Antonyms- to gift, appreciate
  • Recollection

    Recollection (noun): a memory of an event
    Ex- Jack recollected the time he was forced to eat snail soup.
    Antonyms- forget, disremember
  • Vast

    Vast (adjective): huge in size or extent; immense
    Ex- The vast neighborhood had 400,000 houses with over 1,000,000 people.
    Antonyms- tiny, microscopic
  • Apprehensive

    Apprehensive- (adjective): uneasy or
    fearful about something that might happen
    Ex- The apprehensive man took a slow step while walking in the haunted mansion.
    Antonyms- confident, fearless