Mississippi State History

  • The capitol of Mississippi

    The capitol of Mississippi
    Mississippi’s capital is moved from Natchez to Jackson, witch becomes its permanent home.
  • Indians were living in the east but forced to move west.

    Indians were living in the east but forced to move west.
    The Indian Removal Act forces eastern Native Americans groups to relocate west of the Mississippi River.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The Indian removal from Mississippi sends the Choctaws and Chickasaws west on the Trail of Tears.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    Mississippi secedes from the Union, and the Civil War begins.
  • Abraham Lincoln frees all the slaves.

    Abraham Lincoln frees all the slaves.
    President Abraham Lincoln frees all the slaves in the Southern Confederacy with the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • A 47-day siege

    A 47-day siege
    A 47-day siege leads to the capture of Vicksburg by Union troops on July 4th.
  • The rewritten constitution

    The rewritten constitution
    A rewritten state constitution gives African American rights and the freedom to hold political office.
  • The 20th State

    The 20th State
    Mississippi becomes the 20th state.
  • The Mississippi legislature

    The Mississippi legislature
    The Mississippi legislature rewrites the state constitution, taking away rights from African American Citizens.
  • Mississippi Delta

    Mississippi Delta
    The Mississippi Delta floods, causing $204 million in damage.