March 8 2014
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 departs at 12:41 a.m.local time on Saturday, and is due to land in Beijing at 6:30 a.m. on the same day. The flight was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members. The passengers are of at least 12 different nationalities; all crew on-board are Malaysians. The flight loses contact with air traffic controllers about an hour after taking off. The last-known position of the plane was 120 miles off the east coast of the Malaysian town of Kota Bharu -
False passports?
Interpol confirms two passengers had used stolen passports and said it was checking whether others aboard had used false identity documents. This means that people start to worry about the planes and passangers saftey. People start to wonder if the people with false passports is respicible. This is sterio type as people see the men with my fake passports are indeed muslim. -
More searching
The area of search for the missing aircraft expands to 27,000 nautical square miles covering the South China Sea and Strait of Malacca, with a total of 12 countries participating in the operation. There are a total of 42 ships and 39 aircraft currently involved in the multi-national search. People start to wonder and familes start to worry about where the plane has gone and why cant they find it. Things like human interests, Debate and discussion, and mystery starts to take place. -
Indian ocean
The White House said late Thursday that the latest expansion of the search area may be in the Indian Ocean. People start to get hope that the plane has a higher rate of being found. As this news is being spread more and more, people start to debate and discuss weather or not the plane has been hijacked, stolen or crashed. conspiracy starts to form here too. Human intrests grow bigger and bigger. -
Flight Simulator
According to the authorities, police searched the homes of both the pilot and co-pilot on Saturday, March 15. "Experts are examining the flight simulator found in the pilot's house," they said. Shock value comes into place as people are shocked from what they hear. More discusion comes into place as peope hve believes on why and what happened. -
New information suggests the change in the flight's direction was plugged into a computer in the cockpit by someone familiar with airplane computer systems. The fact that the turn was programmed into the computer in the cockpit raised more questions about the possible involvement of one of the flight crew. -
Deleted Files
The Associated Press reported that investigators are trying to restore files deleted last month from the home flight simulator of the pilot aboard the missing Malaysian plane to see if they shed any light on the disappearance, Malaysia's defense minister said Wednesday. Files containing records of the simulations carried out on the program were deleted on Feb. 3, Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu told the news conference. -
Object spotted
The satellite took an image of an object 22 meters by 13 meters. The image location was about 120 kilometers south of where an Australian satellite viewed two objects two days earlier. Many peope believe this the signting or a sign of the planes wreckage, But others also believe is not true or a diversion. People start to question if the fight really did crash or is it just coincidence? -
confirmation of flights fate
Earlier in the day, a Chinese plane spotted two white, square-shaped objects in an area identified by satellite imagery as containing possible debris from the missing airline. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak says fresh analysis of satellite data tracking MH370 shows the flight went down with passengers and crew members in the southern Indian Ocean, west of Perth - a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. -
More Objects
Japan has handed over satellite images possibly pointing to about 10 objects that could be the debris from the missing Boeing. The largest one measures about 4 meters by 8 meters. The chunks were located about 2,500 kilometers southwest of Perth, Japan’s Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office said. The images were taken Wednesday. -
Quieting down
While this event has gone on for just under a month, people start to say tere is no hope and no survivours. Navys and air forces start to take action aswell. A US Naval Officer has said that the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines craft may take years -
dying down
The story starts to die off and many hopes of the survivours alive has slipped away. Many countries still try to find but as the navy said, It may take a few years. The articles stop cmming is daily and start cimmin gin every 3 days on average.
Malaysian police say they have excluded the possibility that any of the passengers of the flight could have organized a hijacking, Xinhua news agency reported, citing Malaysian media. -
Even more debris
Chinese pilots involved in the search operations found white objects floating in the Inddian ocean, about 2,700 kilometers off the coast of Australia, Xinhua news agency reported. Many debris i being found but cannot track down the location, still. -
True or Faulse?
By this time, the event and coverage started to die down rapidly. Many people believe that theysaw glimpses of the plane and viewers start to believe the conspiracies, or un-natura thngs such as "aliens" caused this. While the coverage is going down, the "un-natural" stories start to rise. This is only becuase people try to find a reason to believe why is has gone missing. -
nothing new
The event and media coverage has died down alot, barley anything is being covered anymore becuase there is simply nothing to cover on. If there was anything, if would be debris, and it wouldnt be anywere in the front or shocking/breakingnews of thenews paper/articles. Any people have stopped wondering where the plane has gone, and started to believe that they couldnt of survived 3 months. debate and discussion had decreased to a minimum.