Period: to
Miss Janes Life
Ticey gets the name Jane Brown
After a union soldier visits the farm ticey works on he gives her a non-slavename. He named her Jane Brown giving he rthe last name he himself had. "Ticey is a slave name, I don't like slavery. Im go'n call you Jane" - Corporal Brown (pg 8) -
Slaves are set free
The war between the union and confederate soldiers is over. The slaves gain freedome and can now life a life with out sufferage. Signed by president Abraham Lincoln sign sit to make it offical. -
Jane and others decide to move on to Ohio
After being givin the choice to stay and work or leave the plantation Jane and many others decided to leave. Most didn't know where they wanted to go but Jane did. She wanted to go to Ohio and find the Mr. Brown that gave her , her name. After setting out with BiG Laura in the lead, the where on their way north. "Mr. Brown said look him up", " I'm going to Ohio" - Jane (pg 17 ) -
The Massacare
The group that Jane is travling with is attack by a group of confederate patrollers killing everyone except for Miss Jane Brown and Ned, the son of Big Laura. Jane decides to keep going bringing Ned along with his mothers flint and iron along with him. " I got this child to take care , I got that river to cross and how many more rivers I got to cross before I reach Ohio?" - Jane (pg 25) -
Job and a new home
Jane and Ned come acrossed a poor farmer by the name of Job. After he lets them stay the night and get something to eat he then brings them to their new home on Mr. Bone's plantation . They stay there for for many years." Where we goin" I said " To yall friend Mr. Bone " - Conversation between Job and Jane (pg 60) -
Ned Leaves
After thirteen years on the plantaion , No longer Ned Brown but Ned Doulgass , Ned now has to leave the plantation because he is being hunted down for preaching his opinions about black rights, " I mean making us seperate , I don't want us to be seperate ' - Ned ( pg 78) -
Jane meets Joe
After spending years alone after Ned left Jane finaaly starts to see Joe one of the workers on the Bone plantaion. Jane and him never haave kids because she is barren from being beat as a child. They move in together and shortly after want to move. After agreeing to help raise Joes two daughters from a previous marriage, they decide not to get formally married and just say they are married. : He was a real man , Joe Pittman was " - Jane (pg 81) -
A letter from Ned
Jane gets a letter from Ned telling her of his new life. He would ride and break horses during the day and go to school at night and not long after being there they gave him a teaching job. Shortly after Ned joined the army to help in Cuba and then he wanted to come home and teach. " -
A new home for Jane and Joe
Jane and Joe decide to leave old Colonel Dye's Plantation and start their new lives somewhere new but not with out problems. The colonel wanted all debts payed off.Joe found a place in Luzana , Texas with a job of working with cattle and horses on Mr. Clydes place. After a long journey they finally made it and settled into their new home. ' We were so proud we had moved, so happy for the good meal we got as soon as we got there, everytime we looked st each other we had grin " - Jane ( pg 88 ) -
Joes Death
After being on the Clyde farm for ten years now Joe had gotten the status of head hore breaker or " Chief Pittman " . After Joe returns home from catching wild horses she sees the horse that kills Joe in her dreams. She went to go and have hoo-doo help her keep him alive, She warned Joe but he finally was killed after JAne let the stallion loose and Joe went after him. ' I told Joe that horser gave me the chills, he said it was the weather" ( Pg 95) -
Ned returns home to be killed a year later
After the Cuban war ended in 1898 Ned returned home to teach. A year later Albert Cluveau shot him dead. Miss JAne knew Albert because he would sit and fish with her on hot summer days. She felt betrayed by this man now and was devestated that her only son figure was now gone alon with her husband. " Ned still didn' y look like himself he left here a boy and came back a man , even his hair was turning grey" Pg 105 -
The Chariot of Hell
After Ned was buried Albert Cluveau became insane. She confronted him before that and many thought she put some kind of hoo-doo on him, ' Let God kill him, let the devil take him" pg 127 -
Samson Plantation
Miss Jane decides she wants to move and leave all the bad memories behind. As she works out on the field she notices the hardest worker Black Harrit. After a new worker comes and challanges her. Katie kept saying " Todays the day , Ill beat the queen " pg 138 -
Jane finds Religion
One day Jane takes her journey acrossed the river. She is burdened with a sack. First she encounters Joe who wants to carry it for her, then Ned who JAne then relizes is not Ned but eh Devil and then standing before her inches from dry land is Albert Cluveau on the horse that killed Joe with the gun that killed Ned. She pushes through and finds her religion. "Albert Cluveau raised the gun to shoot me, but when he saw how determined I was to finish crossing he disaaperared too : Pg 144 -
Timmy and Tee Bob
The two brothers Timmy(Black) and Tee Bob ask Jane to go on a ride with them. As it turns out it was a trick on Jane. Later Tee Bob breaks his arm and Timmy gets beat up by one of the other workers and has to leave. "Timmy had already hit Rags with the stalk of the cane ,and the horse almost shot out from out under me" Pg148 -
The One
The one that was supposed to lead them was finally born.All this after Tee bob killed himself and then miss JAne wanted to move down into the quarters. -
He's Growin Up
Jane learns that Jimmy had started lying to people when he read to make them feel better. He also started to think of thoughts outside of what the church thought he should( Sex). Jimmy began to grow up and jane and Miss Lena did not like it. " Then I found out Jimmy was telling me lies, He knew how much I liked the Jackie and the Dodgers and on days i wasent feeling well he would tell me that Jackie did good" Pg216 -
Jimmy and the Foutain
Jimmy has a plan to have a black girl drink out of a white water foutain. Even though the plan does not go the way he wanted he still got the effect that he wanted and this would get him in some trouble. " They had picked a girl to drink out of the white mens foutain' Pg246 -
Jimmy Dies
Jimmy gets killed after pushing for more rights and equality of blacks. Even though he died miss jane still goes to the place they met before in Bayoone. " Just a little piece of him dead , the rest of him is wating for us in Bayoone' pg 259