Elijah and the Drought
God sent a drought down upon the Israelites to punish them for their sins. However, He told Elijah about this and protected him from the drought (New American Standard Bible, 1 Kings 17: 1-10). God sent Elijah to a widow's house, where God provided for the widow and Elijah, and even healed the woman's sick child (New American Standard Bible, 1 Kings 17: 12-22) -
Elijah and mount Carmel
Elijah settled his followers on Mount Carmel (English). Elijah also proved that Baal, a faux god that many people followed did not exist (New American Standard Bible. 1 Kings 18). He did this by killing two oxen and saying that whichever God struck the wood under the dead oxen to create a fire to cook it first, was the only real god. Of course, God did so and Baal did not (New American Standard Bible. 1 Kings 18). -
Elijah Condemns Ahab
Ahab coveted someone elyh
se's vineyard and demanded them to let him take it. However, that man was ordered by God to keep the vineyardlong ago, so he refused (New American Standard Bible. 1 Kings 21:1-3). Ahab's wife then had the man killed so her husband could take the vineyard. This angered God greatly. God ordered Elijah to speak prophecies against Ahab and warn of the bad things that would happen to all of those involved (New American Standard Bible. 1 Kings 21:11-29) -
Elijah's Last Prophecy
Ahaziah, a king at the time, became very ill and asked his prophets to go to a certain place and ask Baal if he would recover. This displeased God, so he sent Elijah to warn the men that, if they carry on worshipping Baal, the they will surely die (New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 1:-4). However, the prophets did not listen to Elijah and continued on. The king sent men to kill Elijah, however with God's help, he was able to defeat them all (Hurvitz). -
Elijah's Translation
The lord called Elijah up to heaven, but Elijah declared his successor first. He named Elisha his successor (New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 2:1-2). Elisha asks Elijah to look over him and provide hime with spiritual guidance, which ELijah agrees to. Elijah is taken away by a flaming chariot, this appearing to never die (O'Brien)