Mining BOOM!

By miller5
  • Gold Found

    The first gold was found at Pikes Peak Causing Thousands to come to the area to prospect.
  • Silver Found

    Silver was found in the Carson River Valley.
  • Moving North

    Prospectors moved north resulting in William Seward to buy Alaska.
  • Mob Drives Out Chinese

  • Period: to

    Mining Boom

  • Sky-Rocketing Violence

    Violence between ethnic groups rises due to everyone wanting gold.
  • Klondike Gold

    Gold was found in the Klondike region of Canada resulting in the Klondike Gold Rush.
  • 1 Million Dollars Of Gold In A Yaer

  • More Gold Found

    More gold was found bringing more settlers.
  • Peace Atlast

    Towns were established bringing peace to mining problems.
  • Changing Landscape

    Large mining companys were built causing alot of change to the landscape.