Mining and metalsmithing development in Mesopotamia

By JT707
  • 4000 BCE

    Start of Metalsmithing

    Metalsmithing started the same time when the stone age started. It became very useful when they started to find more valuable metals.
  • Period: 4000 BCE to 200 BCE

    Start of Mining

    The stone age was the first time when people mined stone so they can use it to create tools like hammer stones, spears, cleavers, choppers, arrows and etc. They also used the stones to sharpen weapons for war.
  • Period: 3200 BCE to 1200

    Bronze age

    When the Mesopotamians still were growing there empire, they started mining an ore called copper. This was the first metal they started to work with. Later on, copper and tin was melted and formed into bronze armor and weapons which they trades for more valuable goodies.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 600 BCE

    The Iron age

    When the people found iron, it wasn't as good as bronze because it was less durable until one empire created steel which was much stronger. Iron helped Mesopotamia develop because when they had an army they were able to strengthen them with the iron technology. Mesopotamia continued to use this iron for different weapons and armor.
  • 539 BCE

    Metalsmithing development

    Metalsmithing developed in surrounding regions until the Neo-Babylonian period. Metalsmithing helped create weapons and armor with different types of metal all over the region to help them during any invasion or wars.
  • 331 BCE

    Mesopotamia's Growth

    Mining helped Mesopotamia grow by giving them more resources for trading, make building, and also these materials helped with metalsmithing creating armors and weapons so that they can protect/defend themselves. Their city grew and expanded into a strong city.