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Minimum Wage

  • Act for Insurance and Training

    Act for Insurance and Training
    Carpenters President Peter J. McGuire and the union strike and win the eight-hour day for some 28,000 members Its leadership has successfully lobbied for health insurance plans for industrial workers, the first cost-of-living allowances, as well as training, and educational programs. This helps keep working conditions safe with training and insurance.
  • Most Common Jobs 1890

    Most Common Jobs 1890
    The most common jobs of the 1890´s was a teacher, miller, sewing,hunting and times when there were servants.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act establishes first minimum wage and 40-hour week

    Fair Labor Standards Act establishes first minimum wage and 40-hour week
    FSLA = Fair labor standards act
    ¨Payment of the minimum wage, overtime pay for time worked over a set number of hours in a work week, restrictions on the employment of children.¨ ¨Every employer shall pay to each of his employees who in any workweek is engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce, or is employed in an enterprise engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce¨
  • 1945-1950 Minimum Wage Change

    1945-1950 Minimum Wage Change
    1945 minimum wage was 0.40 cents, and showing that 5 years later the minimum wage increased by 0.35 cents. Its a good increase because the 0.40 cents increase to 0.75 cents was almost double the amount. This is the first and last time that the minimum wage has doubled which is a very important event.
  • From 1945 to 1950 minimum wage

    From 1945 to 1950 minimum wage
    Minimum wage was 0.75 cents and will again be raised by 25 cents in 1956, only 6 years later.
  • OSHA- Act of 1970

    OSHA- Act of 1970
    ¨On December 29, 1970, President Richard Nixon signed into law the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act, which gave the Federal Government the authority to set and enforce safety and health standards for most of the country's workers¨ This was another act to safer the working conditions.
  • Most Common Jobs 2019

    Most Common Jobs 2019
    The most common jobs in 2019 include retail personnel, cashiers, food prep or service workers and office clerks. This is a drastic difference from the 1890´s to now.