

  • Invention of the telephone

    Invention of the telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell transmitted sound electronically and changed humanity for the better.
  • Microprocessor

    The microprocessor was invented, making computers smaller and making smartphones possible.
  • Email

    Lawrence Robert invents email and makes it possible for me, years later, to receive passive aggressive emails from my coworkers. Fun fact: Humans check their email about 18 times a day, on average.
  • Internet

    Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf design the internet and change the future of humanity forever. Fun fact, if you were to weigh the internet, it would be 2 ounces.
  • BroadBand

    High speed internet connection was born, allowing lightning fast networking operations. Fun fact: it is called broadband because it is a wide band of frequencies that are available for information transmission.