The amazing Gribbles
The Amazing Gribbles is a awesome book.
It is my favourite book out of all the books.
I think everyone should read them because they are very interesting books and I loved them. -
The clever Gribbles
The clever Gribbles book and the others are a amzng set of books because the children live together and they are invrors.The parents have gone away to anoter country but they have a cook called Mrs munch. -
Dork Diaries
Dork diaries is an awesome book and it is all about a girl goes to another school gets teased and when she gets triped up by her enime (the most popular girl at school) and her lunch goes everywhere then the picture goes on the news paper and it goes on and on -
The brilliant Gribbles
The brilliant gribbles is another book on the Gribble children and what happens is the children invent a robot which kinda takes over. -
Dork Diaries
I have been reading Dork Diaries and I am up to page 179 out of 280.
I have been reading for 15 minutes 4 nights a week and tonight I have read 15 pages.
It is a awesome book. -
Dork Diaries
Tonight I have read 14 pages and so far so good.
Niki Maxwell had to go to the movies with her little sister Briana and she was scared all the way through. She was scared of the princess and the frog. -
Dork Diaries
Today and on Tuesday I have finally finished the Dork Diaries book and now I am reading Rotten school Books because at home we have the whole set. -
Dork Diaries
I have finally finished the book and I recomend it to anyone my age it is AWESOME!!! -
Lets Lose this Teacher
I have been reading this book again because I didn't get to finish it but so far it is a really good book. Can't wait to see what happens in the books. -
Rotten School
Read 17 pages today and I have now been reading for 2 days and I am up to page 55. It is about these boys having a water war and teh good boys group have a secret wepon. It s a bulldog, when you squeeze it, it farts out water. LOL -
Rotten school
I am about half way through the book and so far so good. -
Rotten school
So far it is really funny and for girls like me it is a really god book. -
Rotten school
I have about 30 pages to go and and can't wait to finish the book then go onto the next Rotten school Book because we have about 7 of the books. -
Rotten school
I have now finished the book and now I am reading Rotten School The Great Smelling bee and I think by looking at it,it looks like a great book and it also looks funny. -
The Worst Smelling Bee
I have started a new book since I finished the last one and so far so funny. -
The Worst Smelling Bee
I am about half way through the book it is qoite a good book but I still recon Lets lose this teacher is a better book. -
The worst Smelling Bee
I am up to page 78 and I can't wait to finish this book and go onto the next one because I really want to know what happens in the next book and in the whole series. -
The Worst Smelling Bee
Today I read 15 pages and I am all ready up to page 93 and I am proud of my self because it took me ages to read the other ones. I have about 20 pages left. YAH!!! -
The Worst Smelling Bee
I have finished the book and at the end it is really funny.
I am now reading a really old book from when my mum was little and she said that it was the best book ever so now I am reading it and it is called The Toothpaste Geni. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
I have started reading this book that my mum said that was a good book and she recomends that I read it so I am. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
This book is a good book so far and tonight I read with my cousin that was reading another book. -
The Toothpatse Genie
The book is good so far and it in interesting so far. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
So far this book is about a girl named Amanda who has brought a tooth paste tube which has a genie in it that grants a wish each day. Amanda keeps checking if the genie has not gone away because she wants him to go away sometimes but in other times, she wants him to stay. -
The Toothpaste Genie
So far this book is the best book that I have read. It is that good. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
This book is really good so far and some it is really weird . -
The Tooth Paste Genie
This book is AWESOME and I recomend it to any 8, 9 or 1 year old kids because it is a great level and it AWE3SOME for girls and boys. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
This book is awesome but I think the book Buddy by V.M Jones is better. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
I can not put this book down, it is so good. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
I read at leasy 10 pages today and it is a really good book. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
I am up to chapter 8 and it is an amazing book so far and the book is SO long but it is a awesome book!!! -
The Tooth Paste Genie
Tonight I have mae it up to page 90 out of 134. I am up to the part where Amanda has just got a horse and she is trying to keep it a secret. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
This book is so awesome I don't want it to end. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
I am up to the part where Amanda has made a deal with the Genie that if Amanda wishes for propper things not like a horse and the Genie will stop stelling things to give to Amanda. -
The toothpaste Genie
I am about 25 pages away from finishing and I am up to the part where Amanda gets the genie to give her a baby sister and it arrives at the front door Amanda's parents find it and they don't know about the genie so they are taking the genie into the police station. -
The Tooth Paste Genie
I am about 10 pages from finishing and I am really excited in what happens in the end. It is a really good book and it is really old. -
Toothpaste Genie
I have 9 pages to go and so far I will be finishing tomorrow. -
Planet Ransom
I have finished reading Planet Ransom and it is really cool. -
Toothpaste Genie
Tonight I finished the book and it is a really good book and now I am trying to decided what book I am going to read next. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
My brrother has chose a book for me and it is Diary of a Wimpy Kid the first one. It is a really good book and I am up to page 18 but I have read 14 pages so far. -
Diary of a Wimppy Kid
Tonight I have read 20 pages but I am up to page 45 because I have been doing extra reading. It is a really good book so far and I am going to read all the books. -
Diary of Wimpy Kid
Tonight I read 16 pages and I can't wait to read more. I am up to page 61. It is a really good book. -
Diary of w Wimpy Kid
I am now about, half way through the book already and I don't want it to end because now it is Halloween. It is a GREAT book and antone should read it! -
Clarice bean Thats Me
Today I forgot my book from school and so I am reading Clarice bean Thats Me. It is a little funny so far. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I am over half way now and today I read in the car waiting for my brother to come out of his school because he always takes about 20 minutes. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
This book is great. I am nearly finished the book and it is really funny. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid
I am up to page 164 out of 217 and I am really excited about the book because I am up to the part that it is snowing and Greg and Rowley are about to nock over some children with a snow ball. It is a really funny book. -
I have started a new book because Idon't know where my other book is so I am reading Clementime. I am up to page 15 and it is a really good book so far. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I have found my book and tonight I finished the book. it was a really good book and now I will be reading Clementime. -
I am up to page 79 out of 128 and so far it is a good book but at some parts it is a bit confusing. -
I am about half way through the book and it an awesome book. I have been reading extra it is that good. -
Rodrick Rules
Today I forgot my book at school so I started reading the second Diary of a Wimpy Kid book and I am up to page 23 and so far it is a reallt funny book. -
Rodrick Rules
I am up to page 34 and so far it is an awesome book like the first one. -
Rodrick Rules
Tonight I have got up to the page 54 and it is a really good book. Tonight I read 20 pages be3cause before I started reading tonight I was up to page 34 and now I am up to page 54. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I am up to page 61 and so far t is a really good book. -
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe.
This is a good book. I have read 1 chapter and so far so good. -
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe.
This book is getting better as it goes on. I can't wait till the next chapter. -
The Lion,the witch and the wardrobe.
I have read 3 chapters and it is oneof the best books ever, so far.
GREAT book.
I don't want it to end. -
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe.
I have read chapter 2 again because I didn't mean to read on but it is all right. This chapter is a really good chapter anyway. -
Diary of a wimpy kid.
I amm reading this book again and so far, so good. I am up to page 95 and I don't want it to end. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
this is a really good book and now I am up to page 115. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I am now up to page 134 and so far, so good. -
Diary of a wimpy kid
This is a GREAT book. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid.
I am really close to finishing but I don't want it to end it is that good. -
Diary of a wimpy kid
I am so close to finishing and it is getting really excited. -
Diary of a wimpy kid
This is a really cool book and I think that I will be finished the book tomorrow. -
Diary of a wimpy kid
I am really loving this book and I am up to page 195 andI am so close to finishing. -
Diary of a wimpy kid
I am now finished the book and it was GREAT!!! -
Diary of a wimpy kid Dog Days
I have just started this book and I am up to page 14 but so far so good. -
Diary of a wimpy kid Dog Days
This is a really good book and I don't want it to end. Ia m up to page 25. -
Diary of a wimpy kid Dog Days
I am now up to page 50 and it is a really good book. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days
I read outside today and it was better. I read for 15 minutes. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days
Tonight I read for 15 minutes like normal and I am up to the tricky part of the book. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days
Tonight I read from page 68 to page 83. -
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Tonight I read chapter 5 and it was GREAT.
I don't want the story to come to an end. -
Diary of a Wimpy KId Dog Days
Tonight I read this book and it is AWESOME!!!!!! -
The Lioon, the Witch and the wardrobe
Tonight I read the 6th chapter and it was so exciting. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days
Tonight I read Diary of a Wimpy kid and it is AWESOME.
I was a little confusing when I started because I hadn't read it for 2 weeks. -
Diary of a wimpy kid Dog days
Tonmight I read Diary of a Wimpy kid dog days and it is getting really interesting. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid dog days
This book is so good and it is getting to the middle. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid Dog days
Tonight I read Diary of a Wimpy Kid dog days and it is so interesting and I am now past the Middle. -
The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe
Tonight I reAd chapter 8 and now the story is getting really exciting and as I go on it is making me want to read more. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid do days
This book is getting better as it goes on and it is awesome -
The lion, The witch and the wardrobe
Tonight I read chapter 10 and this book is so cool. I don't want it to come to an end. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid dog days
This book is so cool and it is gettin g really exciting. -
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
Tonight I read chapter 11 and it is so cool -
Diary of a Wimpy kid Dog days
Diary of a Wimpy kid Dog days is such a good book and tonight I read some of it. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days
This book is really good and it is really interesting. -
Diary of a WimpyKid dog days
Tonight I fiished the book and it is such a good book. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid The last straw
Tonight I started this book and so far, so good. -
Doary of a Wimpy kid The Last Straw
I am now reading this book and so far it is so far. -
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
Tonight I read chapter 12 and it is getting so exciting.
This is like the best book ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
The diary of a Wimpy Kid The last straw
This book is so cool.
It is getting more exciting as it goes on. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid The last straw
THis is such a cool book.
I can't wait to read the next one. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid The last Straw
I have been reading heaps extra and now I am up to page 112 and it is a really good book. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid the last straw
I am now up to page 139 and this is such a good book and I am nearly finished. I have to get up to page 217. -
Diary of a Wimpy Kid The last straw
Now I am up to page 160 and I don't waant this book to end.
It is really good. -
Diary of aWimpy kid The last straw
I am so close to finishing now but I don't want the book to end. -
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
Tonight I read chapter 13 and we are nearly finished the book but I don't want it to end. -
Diary of a Wimpy kid the last straw
Tonight I finished the book and it was a really good book.
Now I am going to read a book Sophies secret. -
Georges Marvellous Medicine
Tomigh I have started this book and so far it is funny and good. -
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
I have read chapter 14 and I am nearly finished this book but I really don't want it to end. It is a really good book!!! -
Georges Marvellous Medicine
This was my second time reading this book and it is a really good. -
Georges marvellous Medicine
Now I am up to page 30 and it is a really good book. -
Georges Marvellous Medicine
This is a really good book. -
Georges Marvellous Medicine
I don't want this book to end. -
Georges marvellous Medicine
This book is getting really funny. -
Georges Marvellous Medicine
I am trying to read heaps because I want to read my new book. -
Georges Marvellous Medicine
I am nearly finished this book and it is so good. -
Georges Marvellous medicine
I am now finished this book an dI can't wait to start the new book/ -
Dork Diaries.
I have now started this book and it is really good. -
Dork Diaries
I am now up to page 60 an dit is really good.