Millionaires Club

  • captian underpants and the perilous plot of proffessor poopypants

    captian underpants and the perilous plot of proffessor poopypants
    This story is about two boys who have to stop a evil man called proffessor.p poopypants who shrinks there school and does other crazy stuff.
  • Period: to

    Term 2

  • Captian underpants and the wrath of the wicked wedge woman.

    Captian underpants and the wrath of the wicked wedge woman.
    Two boys named gorge and harold write a comic book about one of their teachers being an evil lady with hair that has hands and can give wedges to anyone. Then their teacher really does grow hair with hands and tries to give everyone wedges.Captain underpants has to stop her.
  • Ride of the Katipo

    A boy called Jack runs threw a cemetry in the dark and trips in a freshly dugen hole. He struggles to get out.
  • ride of the katipo

    Jack had been thinking if he should be safe or take a risk.
  • Ride of the katipo.

    A boy didnt now that some evil people were out to get him.
  • Ride of the katipo

    I visuliesed in his right han he cluched large rusty spanner covered in blood.
  • Titanic the voyage.

    A boy and a girl have to unpack things from the museum when they find a titanic ticket.When the girl picks up the ticket they both travel back to the day of the titanic! Doon doon doon doon
  • Ride of the katipo

    Cunstable judason is on his way to get the kelpers. they will try and capture jack and the vicar.
  • stowaways

    Tucker and maya are stuck in the ship when the titanic hit what will happen now. well the ship starts to sink and the smash the tea cup and that cup was from 2012 so they went to 2012.
  • Tottenham histrory

    All of the info you need to know about tottenham hotspur.
  • gargoylz

    This is about two boys who have imaginary friends with super powers and the gargoylz have fun adventures taking down the boys worst enemys.