Millennium Magic

  • Camera Phone

    The camera phone was invented by Phillippe Kan. It made pictures more visible and realistic. It made life easier to catch moments and memories.
  • USB

    The usb drive was invented. This made it much easier to store info and save big projects such as papers and PowerPoints. This was created in the early 2000's.
  • ipod

    iPod were released in early 2000's and it was invented by apple. It made it much easer to listen to your music on the go. It allowed us to work out travel and eat to tunes.
  • Facebook

    Facebook was created in 2004 by the billionaire himself Mark Zuckerberg. This made life easier to connect and contact with people all over the world. This brought communication to a new level .
  • xbox 360

    This was the best console that hit the market. The Xbox 360 was created in the early 2000's and was produced by Microsoft. It allowed us to play retro game sold and new with multiplayer. It made life easier and kept kids out of trouble. This console also taught us lessons like how to play together.