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Milkweed Timeline-Reality Correlation

  • Period: to

    Milkweed Real Life Correlation Timeline

  • Hitler Elected Chancellor

    Hitler Elected Chancellor
    President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor on 30 January 1933
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland claiming it as a defensive action. Britain and France respond by decalring war on Germany.
  • Germany Occupies Poland

    Germany Occupies Poland
    After fierce fighting the Polish Capital of Warsaw fell on September 27, 1939
  • First Anti-Semitic Laws

    First Anti-Semitic Laws
    Jews cannot deal in textiles or processed leathers, Jewish teachers cannot teach in polish schools, Jews cannot own radios or enter movie theaters. Furthermore, Jewish families cannot withdraw securities, deposits, gold or cash from banks and are limited to 2,000 zlotys in cash.
  • Auschwitz Camp Established

    Auschwitz Camp Established
    Largest concentration camp established by the Nazi regime.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Sealed

    Warsaw Ghetto Sealed
    With a total area of 3.07 square kilometers the Warsaw Ghetto held 450,000 people initally.
  • Germans Begin Mass Extermination of Jews

    Germans Begin Mass Extermination of Jews
    Germans break there pact with the Soviet Union and begin the Final Solution to exterminate Jews from existence.
  • Jewish Identification Becomes Mandatory

    Jewish Identification Becomes Mandatory
    All Jews of six years and older in all German territory are required to wear an identity badge.
  • Operation Reinhard

    Operation Reinhard
    Germany's plan to exterminate Jews in occupied Poland. Lead to the death of 1.7 million Jews.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Major battle that halted the Germans advances eastward. The Russian victory was the turning point for the Allies in Europe. Casualties for the Axis numbered 800,000 and 1,100,000 for the Russians.
  • D-Day

    D-Day took place on the beaches in Normandy, France. 150,000 American, British, and Canadian forces landed on 5 beaches along 50 miles of French Coastline. This was the start of the Allies campaign of Liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany.
  • Auschwitz Concentration Camp Liberated

    Auschwitz Concentration Camp Liberated
    Russians pushed eat to Auschwitz liberating all Jews who had not been relocated from the .
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Hitler consumes a cyanide capsule and shoots himself with a pistol while hiding in an air raid shelter.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany unconditionally surrenders to the Allies ending the war in Europe.
  • Himmler Commits Suicide

    Himmler Commits Suicide
    A day after being arrested by the British Himmler consumes a cyanide capsule.