Awesome pawsome milkweed plant

Milkweed Historical

By sskohp
  • Period: to

    World War II

    World War II. Jews vs. Germans. When the war ended the Jews were liberated from the Germans.
  • World War ll

    World War ll
    The Germans were against the Jewish people in World War ll 1939. The Nazis were treating Jews badly; such as, placing them in the ghetto, killng, and deportaion.
  • Stealing Bread

    Stealing Bread
    Misha steals bread from a rich women with fox fur on her shoulders.
  • Meets Uri and gang

    Meets Uri and gang
    Uri finds Misha and takes him to meet his gang.
  • Barber Shop

    Barber Shop
    Uri brings Misha to barber shop to get first haircut.
  • Misha Gets Cleaned Up

    Misha Gets Cleaned Up
    Uri gives Misha his first bath and haircut.
  • Misha meets Jackboots

    Misha meets Jackboots
    Misha sees the parade of Jackboots and thinks that they are good people taht are not against Jews
  • Misha sees tanks

    Misha sees tanks
    While at the parades, Misha sees the tanks.
  • Misha gets ear shot off

    Misha gets ear shot off
    After somebody stole Janina's bread, he wanted to find out. So he went outside, but unfortunately one of the Jackboots shot his ear off.
  • Misha meets Janina

    Misha meets Janina
    Misha walks into a random garden and eats tomatoes while a girl watches him. The girl was trying to plant a potatoe tree with candy.
  • Misha gets named

    Misha gets named
    Misha gets named Misha by Uri. Also Uri mde up Misha's back story.
  • Leaves Bread for Janina

    Leaves Bread for Janina
    Fter Misha destroyed the cake, he had made a daily routine that involved Janina. He always tried to snacth two loaves each day. One for Uri and himself, the other he would leave at Janina's doorstep. Janina would leave something for Misha in return.
  • Warsaw shelling

    Warsaw shelling
    Drop bombs on Warsaw.
  • Deportation

    People in the ghetto are moved to concentration camps.
  • Russia Bombing

    Russia Bombing
    The Russians bombing Germany
  • Angel Talk

    Angel Talk
    Olek tells Misha about angels when he sees a statue of a man with wings.
  • Encounter with Buffo the Flop

    Encounter with Buffo the Flop
    Misha finally gets caught by the most dangerous flop who sufficates kids.
  • Jackboots in lines

    Jackboots in lines
    Jackboot parade

    The Jackboots roam the streets and frighten the Jews in their lines.
  • Uri gives black pearls

    Uri gives black pearls
    Misha copies Uri and takes black pearls to the orphans
  • Sees merry-go-round

    Sees merry-go-round
    Misha sees the merry-go-round but is not allowed to ride it. The next day the black horse is cut off and a flop hoses an innocent jew until he dies.
  • Rides Merry-go-round

    Rides Merry-go-round
    Misha disobeys Uri and rides merry-go-round.
  • Jews move to Ghetto

    Jews move to Ghetto
    The Jews are forced to move into the Ghetto by Nazis.
  • Himmler comes

    Himmler comes
    Russia bombs Germans.
  • Dead Jews in the ghetto

    Dead Jews in the ghetto
    Misha finds dead people laying in the middle of the sidewalk covered in newspapers. Then people take the dead people on a wagon piled on top of each other and get put in a grave.
  • Misha starts smuggling in the ghetto

    Misha starts smuggling in the ghetto
    Misha finds a two brick hole in the wall that is big enough for him to fit through onto the other side. Every night, he will sneak out, take food, and in the moring will leave it for Milgrooms family.
  • Goes to Farm

    Goes to Farm
    After escaping, Misha works on a farm for three years untill the end of WWII.
  • Janina mocks Misha

    When Misha goes out to smuggle ta night Janina follows him. When Janina sees Buffo, head flop, sh ewill call him Fat Man just like Misha did.
  • Finishing Deportation

    Finishing Deportation
    Misha and Janina come back to ghetto and find everyone leaving. Janina gets caught and Uri shoots misha in his ear. Misha escapes.
  • Move to America

    Move to America
    Misha moves to America and yells on streets about his story.
  • Divorce

    Misha gets divorced with Vivian before she has a child.
  • Gets Married

    Gets Married
    Misha meets a woman named Vivian and they get married
  • Meets Daughter and Granddaughter

    Meets Daughter and Granddaughter
    Misha is stacking cans at his job and his daughter and granddaughter. He lives with them.
  • Names Granddaughter

    Names Granddaughter
    Misha gives his grandaughter her middle name, Janina.