Kids 4 young layingingrass

Milestones For Language Development

  • 2 months

    2 months
    Infants coo, making vowel sounds.
  • 4 months

    4 months
    Infants observe with interest as the caregiver plays turn-taking games, such as pat-a-cake and peekaboo.
  • 6 months

    6 months
    Infants babble, adding consonants to their cooing sounds and repeating syllables. By 7 months, babbling starts to include many sounds of spoken languages. Infants begin to comprehend a few commonly heard words.
  • 8–12 months

    8–12 months
    Infants use preverbal gestures, such as showing and pointing, to influence others’ goals and behavior and to convey information.
  • 12 months

    12 months
    Babbling includes sound and intonation patterns of the child’s language community & Toddlers say their first recognizable word.
  • 18–24 months

    18–24 months
    Spoken vocabulary expands from about 50 to 200 to 250 words. Toddlers combine two words.
  • 2-3 years

    2-3 years
    Most children will use short sentences, like "me do it", daddy going car'
    follow simple directions, like "Put the teddy bear to bed"
  • 3-4 years

    3-4 years
    Most children will use sentences of 4 to 6 words also give directions like "fix this for me" (
  • 5 year old

    5 year old
    Most children will use sentences that sound almost like an adult &
    be able to say most speech sounds correctly (
  • 6-12 years

    6-12 years
    Use long and complex sentences.
    Understand comparative words e.g. ‘it was earlier than yesterday’.
    Keep a conversation going by giving reasons and explaining choices.
    Start conversations with adults and children they don’t know.