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By tavanya
  • Youth 1-17

    Youth 1-17
    Moved to Florida
  • Youth 1-17

    Got License
    Estimated Cost/Years to save: $45/16-17
    Pursue other funding?-
    Plan: Medium
  • Young Adult 18-24

    Young Adult 18-24
    Graduate High school
    Estimated Cost/Years to save: $2500
    Pursue other funding?-
    Plan: Long
  • Buy a car

    Estimated Cost/Years to save: 23,000/3-4
    Cost per year: 2,000
    Save for/pursue other funding?: Auto Insurance
    Plan: Medium
  • Start my career as a Neonatal Nurse

    Estimated Cost/Years to save: $130,000 (average in California)
    Cost per year: -
    Save for/pursue other funding?:
    Plan: Medium
    I want to be a Neonatal Nurse, so I plan on obtaining my Bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), then staying in school for a extra few years to get my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Once I graduate, I plan on moving to California, which is one of the highest paying states for nurses. I intend on working in a hospital, in the ICU, or intensive care unit.
  • Adult 25-40

    Get Married
    Estimated cost/Years to save: 20,000/5
    Cost per year:4,000
    Pursue other funding?: Honeymoon
    Plan: Medium
  • Adult 25-40

    Adult 25-40
    Travel the world
    Estimated Cost/Years to save: 3,000/ <1 year
    Cost per year:
    Pursue other funding?: Excursions
    Plan: Medium
  • Adult 25-40

    Buy a home
    Estimated cost/Years to save: 2000,000/5-7
    Pursue other funding?: Homeowner's Insurance
    Plan: Medium/Long
  • Adult 25-40

    Adult 25-40
    Have a kid(s)
    Estimated Cost/Years to save: 200,000/5
    Cost per year: 14,000
    Pursue for other funding?: Health insurance, doctor appointments, copay, field trips, etc
    Plan: Medium
  • Middle Age 41-64

    Become a grandmother
    Estimated cost/ Years to save: -
    Cost per year: - Plan: Long
  • Senior (65 and up)

    Estimated cost/Years to save: 67
    Cost per year: 5,000
    Pursue other funding: 401K
    Plan: Long