American tree sparrow sim 1

Journey of the sparrow

  • Period: to

    Journey of the Sparrows

  • First landing to the moon

    The first landing on the moon happened in 1969. Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the moon.
  • The internet was born

    The internet was born
    After along time of working on the internet and trying to make it. In 1969 the internet was launched. It was very basic but it was a start.
  • Vietnam war ends

    The Vietnam War was a cold war, it was between north Vietnam and the U.S.A. it ended in 1975.
  • Polish Airline Crashed

    Polish Airliner crashed with no warning and killed 82 passengers in 1980. People were sadden by this tragic crash.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Mikhail Gorachev was the last leader of the Soviet Union in 1985-1991. He was the Soviet Leader that tore down the Berlin Wall
  • South Africa Endes ban for Interracial Marriges

    South Africa did not accept interracial marriages. Even though many countries never banned this, but south Africa did. In 1985 the ban on interracial marriage was over.
  • Berlin wall comes down

    Berlin wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic. It cut off west Berlin from east Berlin, but this wall came down in 1989.
  • Nelson Mandela Freed from Prison

    Nelson Mandela was a South African antiapartheid revolutionary, politician. He was prisoner for saying what he believes in. but in 1990 he was freed from prison.
  • Gulf War

    The Gulf war also known as operation Desert Storm. Was against Iraq in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. This took place in 1990.
  • The Soviet Union disbandsin

    The Soviet Union disbands in 1991. It disintegrates into fifteen separate countries. Its collapse was hailed by the west as a victory for freedom.