Mike's History of the Internet timeline

By mwarpus
  • ARPA is created

    ARPA is created
    computer talk to each other ARPA found a way that computer can talk to each other in case of a nuclear attack
  • Stanford and UCLA computers connected for the first time

    Stanford and UCLA computers connected for the first time
    Start of the internetThe first host on what would be one day the internet
  • Arpanet network is established

    Arpanet network is established
    Network between Harvard, MIT, and BBN was created
  • Email was first developed

    Email was first developed
    email is created Developed by Ray Tomlinson who also made the @ symbol to seperate the user name from the computer name (domain name)
  • The begining of TCP/IP

    The begining of TCP/IP
    TCP/IPA proposial was published to link Arpa-like networkstogether into so called "inter-network" witch would have no central controland would work around a trabsmissioncontrol prrotocal
  • Microsoft vs Apple

    Microsoft vs Apple
    Microsoft's Bill Gates is one of the founders of this multibillion dollar company. Just like Apple, Microsoft is also selling electronics to million of people such as computers, and tablets. However, Microsoft came out a year before Apple. When Apple was launched in 1976 is started a 'rivalry' between the two companies.
  • The world of Apple

    The world of Apple
    Apple is createdAlthough many people think steve jobs is the CEO of Apple, its actually Tim Cook, but Steve Jobs did play a major part in finding apple witch is why he is credited main founder. Apple is an multiinternational company. Also, Apple sell electronics such as iPhone's, computers, and tablets.
  • First personal computer moden is created

    First personal computer moden is created
    Inventied by Dennis hayes and Dale Heaterington introduced this to sell to computer hobbyists
  • Spam is born

    Spam is born
    The first unsolisited commercial eamil was sent out to 600 California Arpanet user by Gary Thuerk
  • Early forms of multiplayer games

    Early forms of multiplayer games
    The pre cursor of World of Warecraft and Second Life was developed in 1979, and were called MUD'S. MUD'S were text basedvirtual worlds, combining elements of role-playing games, interactive, fiction, and online chat
  • The emotication

    The emotication
    The first emoticon, :-), created by Scott Fahlman would be used after a joke
  • Domain name system is created

    Domain name system is created
    The first domain name system was inportant in that it made addresses on the internet mopre human-friendly compared to its numarical IP address counterparts.DNS servers allowed users to type in an easy to remember domain name and then convert it into its IP address
  • World Wide Web protocals finished (WWW.)

    World Wide Web protocals finished (WWW.)
    The code for World Wide Web was created by Tim Burners-Lee, based on his proposal from the year before, along with the standers HTML, HTTP, and URL's
  • Microsoft branches out

    Microsoft branches out
    Microsoft Office15 years after Microsoft was created, it came out with a computer program called office. Office aloud people to create documents, presentations, and even spread sheets. In 2012, over 1 billion people have downloaded Microsoft Office
  • The first web page

    The first web page
    This brough major innovations to the world of the internet.The first webpage was created and its purpose was to explain what the World Wide Web was
  • The first smartphone

    The first smartphone
    More on the first smartphoneA lot of people think that Apple created the first iPhone, but IMB introduced the "Simon Personal Communicater" 15 years before. Aside of calling and texting, you could also send and recieve emails, faxes, and pages.
  • Google is here!

    Google is here!
    Google is createdSundar Pichai is the current CEO of the multi billion dollar company known as google. Google today is now the prefered choice as a search engine amoung most people in the US.
  • A new web browser!

    A new web browser!
    A new browser!On this date, Mozilla FireFox was created. It is a free browser that allows you to search the internet more efficiantly.
  • Facebook is discovered!

    Facebook is discovered!
    Facebook is founded Mark Zuckerburg, the CEO of Facebook, created the site as a form of social media. Soon it was brought to the internet on Febuary 4, 2004
  • Youtube is created!

    Youtube is created!
  • Twititer

    When twititer was createdJack Dorsey created Twititer on this day. Like Mark Zukerburg, Dorsey also made twitier as a form of social media to expand into what is now a multi billion dollar company.
  • Steve Jobs launches the iPhone

    Steve Jobs launches the iPhone
    More on the iPhoneOn this day Apple launched the first ever iPhone. When it was announced in the begining of the year it soon reached world wide attention by way of media.