Mike Frazee Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline

  • South Carolina Secession

    South Carolina Secession
    South Carolina is the first country to leave the Union
  • Mississippi Secession

    Mississippi Secession
    The state of Mississippi leaves the Union
  • Florida Secession

    Florida Secession
    The state of Florida leaves the Union
  • Alabama Secession

    Alabama Secession
    The state of Alabama leaves the Union
  • Georgia Succession

    Georgia Succession
    The state of Georgia leaves the Union
  • Louisiana Succesion

    Louisiana Succesion
    The state of Louisiana leaves the Union
  • Texas Succession

    Texas Succession
    The state of Texas leaves the Union
  • Abraham Lincoln becomes president

    Abraham Lincoln becomes president
    Abraham Lincoln becomes the 16th president of the United States
  • Abraham Lincoln Inaguration

    Abraham Lincoln Inaguration
    President Lincoln in finally inaugurated in office as the 16th president
  • The constitution of the Confederate states is created

    The constitution of the Confederate states is created
    The south did this to try and earn their independence as their own territory
  • The Civil War Officially Begins

    The Civil War Officially Begins
    The ideas of the war finally formulate and actually form a war
  • Union Surrenders At Fort Sumter

    Union Surrenders At Fort Sumter
    This happened after receiving fire for almost two days
  • Virginia Secession

    Virginia Secession
    The state of Virginia leaves the Union
  • Arkansas Secession

    Arkansas Secession
    The state of Arkansas leaves the Union
  • Tennessee Secession

    Tennessee Secession
    The state of Tennessee leaves the Union
  • North Carolina Secession

    North Carolina Secession
    The state of North Carolina leaves the Union
  • President Lincoln Requests Troops

    President Lincoln Requests Troops
    The President Abraham Lincoln request 500,000 to enlist into the Union army
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    The first battle of the Civil War is kicked off with the Union taking a lose
  • Fort Hatteras

    Fort Hatteras
    The state of North Carolina falls to the Union naval forces. This is the beginning of the United States attempting to close the Southern ports
  • Lexington, Missouri

    Lexington, Missouri
    The great city of Lexington Missouri is taken and controlled by the Confederate by Sterling Price
  • Battle of Mills Springs

    Battle of Mills Springs
    The Union attacked the Kentucky area which allowed them to weaken the southern states
  • Battle of Roanoke Island

    Battle of Roanoke Island
    The Confederates were defeated and the battle ended up causing the eastern part of North Carolina to be controlled by the Union
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    The fort located in Tennessee controlled by the Confederate was near the Cumberland river. The Union took the area away eventually
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    Union troops are surprised by an attack in the town Shiloh located in Tennessee. Union suffers 13,000 and Confederate suffers 10,000 casualties
  • Robert E Lee is Commander

    Robert E Lee is Commander
    The best military leader at the time joins the confederate because he is from the state of Virginia
  • Battle of Pear Ridge

    Battle of Pear Ridge
    The Union win this battle near Missouri and this allows the Union to slip their way into Missouri, with the Confederate technically controlling it still
  • The Seven Day War

    The Seven Day War
    The Confederate troops attack the Union at Potomac river.
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    The Confederates win this time, while Union general John Pope takes the blame for the loss
  • Antietam

    The bloodiest war in US history, over 26,00 are found dead
  • Preliminary Emancipation

    Preliminary Emancipation
    Lincolns future plan to make all slaves free
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    Union takes another lose with the blame now on Ambrose Burnside, Union suffers 13,000 casualties
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Emancipation proclamation
    Lincoln follows through with his plan of freeing the slaves with coming up with this plan. Frees slaves in Northern Territory and Slaves captured from the South
  • Military Draft

    Military Draft
    The first ever military draft in US history, or could pay $300 to not be in the military
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    South wins another battle suffering 13,000 casualties while North suffers 17,000
  • The Stonewall Dies

    The Stonewall Dies
    Military leader Stonewall Jackson dies from being shot by his own troops in Chancellorsville
  • Battle of brandy Station

    Battle of brandy Station
    This is the largest calvary battle of the civil war. Also marks the start of the Gettysburg campaign
  • Battle of Second Winchester, Virginia

    Battle of Second Winchester, Virginia
    Confederate troops defeat Union troops making a clear path for the Shenandoah Valley
  • Gettysburg

    Gettysburg is one of the biggest turning points of the war, Union takes charge in the war
  • Picketts Charge

    Picketts Charge
    On the third day of Gettysburg Robert E Lee forces the general George Pickett to assault Union troops
  • Vicksburg

    General of the Union Ulysses Grant takes over the town of Vicksburg and now controls the Mississippi River
  • Draft Riots

    Draft Riots
    After the government begins conscription many riots break out, mainly in New York and other Northern territories
  • Sacking of Lawrence Kansas

    Sacking of Lawrence Kansas
    Confederate and members of the guerrillas warfare strategy go into the town destroy buildings, and also kill 150 people
  • Chickamauga

    The Union general William Rosecrans takes a Lose in Tennessee from Confederate leader Braxton Bragg
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln address his two minute speech at the national cemetery in Gettysburg, Pa
  • Mine Run Campaign

    Mine Run Campaign
    A stand off which lasted for several days
  • Sherman Leaves

    Sherman Leaves
    Sherman and his army leaves Savannah to go rein destruction on the Carolinas
  • Libby Prison

    Libby Prison
    After many weeks of digging 109 Union soldiers escape the notorious prison
  • Beginning of the Submarine

    Beginning of the Submarine
    The first successful attack using the submarine. Right outside of the the city of South Carolina Charleston
  • Grant Takes Command

    Grant Takes Command
    Lincoln finally points Ulysses Grant as commander of all Union army
  • Red River Campaign

    Red River Campaign
    An overall Union strategy for the them to win the war. This involved striking vital places in the south such as the heart of the confederate states.
  • Camp Sumter Prison

    Camp Sumter Prison
    A prison camp in the heart of Georgia opens up referred to as camp Sumter. It is known for bad conditions and high death rates
  • Battle of Sabine

    Battle of Sabine
    The first major battle of the red river campaign
  • Fort pillow

    Fort pillow
    Fort Pillow was overwhelmingly taken by the Confederate after the Union were digging in the South
  • Virginia Campaign

    Virginia Campaign
    Ulysses Grant and over 120,000 march to Richmond Virginia to try and put an end to the war
  • Battle of Wilderness

    Battle of Wilderness
    Tons of men die do to the forest which they were fighting in caught on fire
  • Battle at Spotslyvania

    Battle at Spotslyvania
    The Union is still advancing down South and although the Union loses more troops than the Confederate, the Confederate still have no choice but to fall back
  • Battle of Yellow Tavern

    Battle of Yellow Tavern
    Confederate cavalry blocked the Union cavalry. General was wounded during the encounter.
  • Battle at Cold Harbor

    Battle at Cold Harbor
    General Grant causes many problems and the Union lose this battle. Losing 7,000 troops in 20 minutes
  • Petersburg

    The mobile war ends and a new war begins with an attack on Petersburg that will last 9 months
  • Mobile Bay

    Mobile Bay
    Union fleet under leader Said Farragut sailed into Alabama where they defeated the Confederate in another battle
  • Atlanta is on flames

    Atlanta is on flames
    The General of the Union Sherman burns down Atlanta
  • Shermans March to Sea

    Shermans March to Sea
    Sherman has a destructive path over 300 miles, causing absolute chaos where ever he comes across
  • Battle of Nashville

    Battle of Nashville
    The Union army crushes the Confederate army of Nashville
  • Savannah is Captured

    Savannah is Captured
    The city of Savannah is officially captured by the Union. General Sherman offers the city to Lincoln as a Christmas present
  • 13th Amendment is Passed

    13th Amendment is Passed
    13th Amendment is passed and will abolish slavery
  • Sherman Moves on

    Sherman Moves on
    Sherman Captures Columbia South Carolina Confederate soldiers try to hold them off but can't
  • Lincolns 2nd inauguration

    Lincolns 2nd inauguration
    Lincoln is sworn in for his second term as president
  • Fort Stedman

    Fort Stedman
    Many Confederate troops under General John B. Gordon attack and capture the Union fort in the Petersburg siege
  • Battle of Five Folks

    Battle of Five Folks
    Confederate win the battle and this causes General Lee to siege Virginia and Petersburg
  • Petersburg

    The battle of Peterburgs officially ends
  • Richmond Falls

    Richmond Falls
    Union army finally captures the Confederate capital Richmond
  • General Lee finally surrenders

    General Lee finally surrenders
    The war is officially over with Lee surrendering, they surrendered in a farmhouse in Virginia
  • Lincoln Shot and Killed

    Lincoln Shot and Killed
    Shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth in Fords Theater
  • General Johnston finally surrenders

    General Johnston finally surrenders
    The second general of the Confederate surrenders in North Carolina
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    Confederate leader Jefferson Davis is captured in Irwinville Georgia
  • Final Battle of the War

    Final Battle of the War
    The final battle takes place in Texas in the town of Palmito Ranch, weird thing is its a confederate victory
  • Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac

    Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac
    Reviewing if the army of Potomac did the right thing
  • Grand Review of General Sherman's Army

    Grand Review of General Sherman's Army
    Reviewing to see if Sherman and his army did right
  • General Simon Bolivar Buckner

    General Simon Bolivar Buckner
    General Simon Bolivar Buckner finally surrenders and gives the Union the war
  • Slavery finally abolished

    Slavery finally abolished
    The 13th amendment is finally followed by all states and slavery is officially abolished