
michaels time line

By mdgjg
  • 10,000 BCE

    close of Glacial age

    close of Glacial age
    this is when glaciers withdrew from what is now the state of iowa
  • 9983 BCE

    people migrate to iowa

    people migrate to iowa
    the first known people to live in what is now Iowa we nomads flowing game hunt
  • 1983 BCE

    climate in iowa moderates

    climate in iowa moderates
    trees and grasses begain to ghrow along strams and rivers
  • 200 BCE

    agriculture becomes important

    agriculture becomes important
    evedance of crops being grown in what is now called iowa
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    united states buys large area of land west of the Mississippi including what is now know as iowa
  • statehood

    iowa becomes part of the united states.
  • state captal moves

    state captal moves
    state captal of iowa moves from iowa city to des moins
  • railroad in iowa

    railroad in iowa
    the first railroad through the state of iowa
  • free rural mail in iowa

    free rural mail in iowa
    the rural free dilivery act made it possibal for iowa farmers to send and recive mail daily
  • automibles in iowa

    automibles in  iowa
    cars become widely usedin the state makeing trans port eaiser for many people in iowa
  • farm beureau formed

    farm beureau formed
    the iowa farm beureau an orginization to support farmers and farming in iowa was formed
  • hybrid seed corn marketed

    hybrid seed corn marketed
    pioneer interatinatl first marketed hybrid seed corn witch greatly increased corn yealds per acer in iowa
  • hoover becomes presedent

    hoover becomes presedent
    iowa native herbert hoover was elected as presedent of the usa
  • five sullivan brothers

    five sullivan brothers
    deth of thease five iowa brothers was the greatest casualty disaster for one family in wourld war 2
  • mott wins nobel prize

    mott wins nobel prize
    iowan john mott wins nobel prize for his work with the internationnal
  • nfo founded

    nfo founded
    the national farmers organizationv was founded and helped iowa farmers get fair prices for there commodities.
  • norman borlaug

    norman borlaug
    Iowan Norman borlaug wins a noble perize for his work in agrilcutre
  • iowa caucus

    iowa caucus
    the iowa cauius begain and have a significant effect on choosing presedent canidates
  • terry branstat

    terry branstat
    terry branstad becomes governer of iowa the first five terms he severd so far
  • gateway computers

    gateway computers
    ted waitt founded gateway computers in his grandmouthers farm hous
  • flooding in iowa

    flooding in iowa
    flooding in 1993 caused more than 2 billion dallars in damage
  • state slogan

    state slogan
    Iowa adopts a new slogan fields of opportunity