Light brown haircut

Mikayla,M Timeline

  • Depilated

    He´ll never know what deplated him.
    remove the hair from.
    paper towns (Green 62)
  • pseudovisions

    Book:paper towns Pg:152
    ¨paper towns= pseudovisions ¨
    Meaning: Perceiving a false vision.
  • irrefragable

    Book:journey to the center of the earth Author: Jules Verne

    Definition: Impossible to prove
    ¨On the very face of it there is an irrefragable proof of it.¨
  • imperiled

    ¨ I was imperiled when everything was going wrong ever since she disappeared out of thin air I couldn't bare looking at them another second.¨
    Definition:put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed.
  • pedantic

    to be or like a pendant
    ¨But let´s not be pedantic.¨
    Afterworlds pg:91
  • vaguely

    afterworlds westerfield
    ¨The old man gestured vaguely at the space around us.¨ (westerfield 405)
    In away slightly or unclear
  • Decisive

    Afterworlds Westerfield
    ¨Your always decisive when it comes to mindy.¨
    Setting an issue
  • indiscretion

    Afterworlds-westerfield ¨A single indiscretion can get someone in danger if Mr.Hamlyn found out about Yama. ¨ Definition: lack of good judgment or care in behavior and especially in speech
  • unrelenting

    ¨ The camp was quiet and even though it was late in the day, the sun was unrelenting.¨
    not yielding in strength, severity, or determination.
    Esperanza rising
  • Curdle

    "From my place in the shade it isn't so bad,,but the bodies, all sweating with the morning work,is enough to make milk curdle."
    separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps. (the red queen)
  • apprenticed

    i'm not apprenticed ,i don't have a job, so i'm going to be sent to the war like all the other idle ones."
    employ (someone) as an apprentice. (red queen)
  • nimble

    esperanza rising pg 110-175 "Her fingers became more nimble now and her stiches were more even." Nimble- quick and light in movement
  • lugs

    lugs-To carry or drag
    "But the lugs that were sent back to the shed had to be taken across the picket lines."
    Esperanza rising
  • premonition

    pg229-254 End
    definition:a strong feeling that something is about to happen
    book: Esperanza rising
    "A few months after they left,she'd had a premonition that something was wrong with mama."
  • conjugation

    The help-pg 9-25 "He get to talking better than the president of the United states,coming home using words like conjugation..." -the formation or existence of a link or connection between things, in particular.
  • rheumatism

    the help pg-27
    "My Mae Mobley got the number one rung, then they's fanny Lou at church, ailing from the rheumatism.
    Definition:any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, especially rheumatoid arthritis.
  • parliamentary

    book: The help
    relating to, enacted by, or suitable for a parliament.
    ''He coming home using words like conjugation and parliamentary''
  • congealed

    pg 37-71
    book:the help
    definition: solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling.
    ''I spoon out the congealed salad and ham sandwiches,can't help but listen to the chatter."
  • slovenly

    Book: The help
    ''How do I remove the rings from my fat slovenly husband's shirt...''
    Definition: messy and dirty.
  • incongruous

    not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.
    ¨The little girl looked incongruous standing next to the clerk¨
  • alighted

    pg1- 40
  • retorted

    the caged graves pgs- 61-92 '' people are ignorant,'' verity retorted, eyeing Liza up and down so the girl would know exactly which people she meant.'' say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner.
  • obligingly

    definition-in a way that shows willingness to do a service or kindness
    "Verity shuddered obligingly and hattie appeared gratified."
  • bedridden

    definition:confined to bed by sickness or old age "But she knew he'd been ill even before the war started and had spent his final year of life bedridden."
  • consecrated

    The Caged Graves-pgs 102- 180
    definition: make or declare Simply rebuild one end of the wall around those two graves and have the ground consecrated." (pg 109)
  • chided

    pg-181-250 definition-to scold rebuke, etc. "Verity chided him."
  • laudanum

    pg's-250-319 laudanum is an old drug used in the Victorian era. "Verity wonder if she was trying to make amends for laudanum."
  • desecrate

    Definition;treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate. sentance: "How could anyone desecrate the dead in such a vile manner?"
  • eloquent

    Pgs 328-438 END THE CAGED GRAVES
    Definiton-fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
    "Nate was certainly more eloquent in his letter rather than in person."