Baby is born!
13 to 18 months physical development
-May stand erect with only slight support
-Cruises along furniture
-May climb out of crib, high chair, or stroller -
13 to 18 months intellectual development
-Begins to form concepts
-Notices actions of other children and adults. Loves to mimic all actions
-Experiments with actions never tried before -
19 to 24 months physical development
-Walks sideways and backward
-Runs without falling often
-Loves to run, jump, and climb -
19 to 24 months intellectual development
-Progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play
-Places circles, triangles, and squares in form board
-Is interested in tiny things such as bugs -
25 to 30 months physical development
-Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease
-Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
-Throws ball overhead but without aiming
-Opens doors by turning knobs. -
25 to 30 months intellectual development
-Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
-Enjoys playing house and imitating family situations
-Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs -
31 to 36 months physical development
-Goes up stairs by alternating feet, but goes down one foot at a time
-Jumps from an elevated object, sometimes miscalculating height
-Walks on tiptoe
-Eats with a fork
-Makes mud piles and sand castles -
31 to 36 months intellectual development
-Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
-Recognizes self in photographs
-Connects names and uses of objects
-Understands relative size (big and small)
-Uses personal pronouns correctly